Document: Ordinance|Director General and Council against retailing by brewers and brewing by tappers

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Ordinance|Director General and Council against retailing by brewers and brewing by tappers

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[Text is continued in  NYC-RNA_V1_004, 005.  Presented complete here for continuity.  NAHC]

WHEREAS heretofore, for some years past, all free traders here in New Netherland have paid duties on all peltries, handled by them and sent to the Fatherland, when ships sailed, —Therefore the Board has considered very necessary, to fix these duties, that everybody may know, how much he has to pay. It has been resolved, that the duties for each merchantable beaver skin shall be 15 stivers, two halves for one whole, three thirds ditto, for each otter and bearskin, 15 stivers, each elk skin 15 stivers, other peltries of minor value according to circumstances.Done at the meeting, at which were present General Petrus Stuyvesant, the late Director General Willem Kieft, the Honble Dincklagen, Mons' la Montagne, Lieutenant Nuton, Equipage Master Poulus Leendersen and Jan Clasen Bol, July 23, 1647.
As we have seen and remarked the disorderly manner, hitherto and now daily practised in building and erecting houses, in extending lots far beyond their boundaries, in placing pig pens and privies on the public roads and streets, in neglecting the cultivation of granted lots, the Director General Petrus Stuyvesant and Council have deemed it advisable to decide upon the appointment of three Surveyors, to wit: the Honble Lubbert van Dincklagen, the Equipage Master Poulus Leendersen and Secretary Cornelis van Tienhoven, whom we hereby authorize and empower, to condemn all improper and disorderly buildings, fences, palisades, post, rails etc. and to prevent their erection in the future. We therefore command and warn all and everybody of our subjects, who henceforth intend to build or put palisades around their gardens or lots in or near the City of New Amsterdam, that nobody shall dare do or undertake it without previous knowledge, consent of and inspection by the above named appointed Surveyors, under a penalty of 25 Carolusguilders and destruction of what may have been built or set up. Likewise we warn all and everybody, who may heretofore have been granted lots, that they must erect on their lots good and convenient houses within 9 months, according to order, or in default thereof such unimproved lots shall fall back to the Patroon or Landlord, to be given by him to such, as he pleases.Done at the meeting in Fort Amsterdam, at which were present Director General Kieft, Honble Dincklagen, Mons' la Montagne, Lieutenant Nuton, Poulus Leendersen and Jan Clasen Bol, July 25, 1647.


The Director General and Council of New Netherland having noticed, that there are brewers in and about the City of New Amsterdam, who tap beer and sell it by the small measure; which may cause, that the beer, by them brewed and tapped, is not properly taxed and the excise not paid for it,—Therefore the said Director General and Council command, as they hereby do, that all the brewers in and about this City shall not tap or sell beer by the small measure, also that no tapsters shall be allowed to brew or have beer brewed for him; all under the penalty of losing all such stock, as may be found in the brewers or tapsters house and besides of not being allowed to do business for  months.

Done January 12, 1648.  


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edumund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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