Document: Ordinance|Director General and Council renewing and amplifying fire safety regulations

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Ordinance|Director General and Council renewing and amplifying fire safety regulations

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The Director General and Council of New Netherland to All, who shall see these presents or hear them read, Greeting!
Know ye, that to prevent the misfortune of conflagrations, the roofs of reeds, the wooden and plastered chimneys have long ago been condemned and Fire masters as well as Surveyors have been appointed for that purpose. The Director General and Council have several times published and renewed the pertinent orders, but nevertheless these orders are obstinately and carelessly neglected by many of the inhabitants, either because the fines and penalties are either too small and lenient or because they are not levied and executed. This negligence has now and then caused various mishaps and troubles by fires and it is even to be feared, that it may lead to the ruin of this City, considering that the houses are being built closer together. To prevent this the said Director General and Council have decided it to be necessary, not only to renew their former ordinances, but also to amplify the same and to increase the fines as well as to have them promptly collected. They now order, that all roofs, covered with reeds, all wooden chimneys, all hay ricks, shall be taken down and removed within the next four months after the publication hereof under the penalty of 25 fl., which are to be promptly collected for every house large or small, every hay stack or wooden chimney, found in this City after the expiration of four months, including herein also chickenhouses and hogpens; of the fine one third to go to the Officer, who is to collect it, two thirds into the City treasury. If in the meantime a fire breaks out in any chimney or house, the respective owner is to pay a double fire fine, to wit 100 fl., to be used according to former ordinances. Furthermore, as it is usual in every well regulated town, that fire buckets, ladders and hooks are kept at the corners of the city or streets and in public houses, easily reached in time of need, which is here more necessary, than anywhere else, because for want of stones many wooden houses in this City are built one adjoining the other, therefore the Director General and Council hereby authorize and order the Burgomasters of the City, that they or their Treasurer shall promptly levy for each house, large or small, a tax of one beaver or 8 fl. in wampum, according to the rating of the office, and with this revenue order from the Fatherland by the first opportunity 100 or 150 leathern fire buckets and to have some fireladders and hooks made with the surplus, also to levy a yearly tax of one guilder for every chimney for keeping these in good condition.
Thus done etc., December 15, 1657.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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