16th January.The Governor having ordered that the Magistrates of the city of New Orange convene a meeting, which being done, his Honor with Secretary Bayard appeared at said meeting in the City Hall, and the instruction hereinbefore recorded being read and delivered to them and having at the same time stated that his Honor judged it necessary that he, or some one deputed by him should be present at all meetings of the court and that with such view he had provisionally commissioned Captain Willem Knyff; whereupon the President of the Burgomasters requested permission to examine the instruction once more, and if any obscurities were found therein, to apply, in that case, to the Governor which his Honor allowed, with promise that further explanation would be made in case any obscurity should be found in the instruction, and thereupon his Honor sent for Captain Knyff to the meeting who also appeared, and said Captain Knyff was notified and ordered by the Governor to regulate himself according to the issued instruction, whereupon his Honor took his leave.Shortly after Captain Knyff returned from the City Hall reporting that the meeting had adjourned, saying that they did not intend to do anything from this day forth, whereupon the Burgomasters were summoned before his Honor, and strictly ordered to have the Court again called together pursuant to the instruction; otherwise he intended to issue the following Ordinance:
Whereas this day, the 16th January of the year one thousand six hundred and seventy-four, the Governor-General of New Netherland coming to the Court of the Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens to enact such means and orders as would promote the welfare and peace of this city New Orange, to which end delivering in a certain good and ample instruction which shall herewith, in like manner, be also published notifying said Magistrates that in case any obscurity may be discovered therein further explanation shall follow; whereupon, the Governor having withdrawn, leaving Captain Willem Knyff in his name and place, who coming shortly after from the City Hall to the Governor, reported that said Magistrates in an unbecoming and unheard-of manner had rose up saying, that they did not intend to do anything, which being a matter of very bad consequence that cannot be considered to proceed from good and faithful Magistrates, but on the contrary from such as do not properly affect the good of the people, seeking to preclude the chief government from what occurs at the City Hall, whereby they render themselves in the highest degree suspected at this conjuncture of time, being contrary to the oath and duty of faithful Magistrates and subjects, consequently opposed to all good government and police and unfit to fill such offices; therefore they are hereby dismissed from all their offices and released from their recorded oath, and that the administration of justice for the benefit of the inhabitants may not be interrupted, the Burghers of this city are authorized and empowered to come to the City Hall of this city, to-day at two o'clock in the afternoon, to nominate in the presence of the Governor, and attending Commissioners for Magistrates persons of whose fidelity they are sufficiently assured, so that justice may be administered by such as have nothing more at heart than with God's blessing and honest and sincere zeal, to seek and endeavor to relieve the citizens from all dangers both internal and external. Done Fort Willem Hendrick, this 16th January, 1674.
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