[several lines lost] provin[ ces ] [
in particular [
& benefits, among the [ prosperity, abundance, In [ ficke & (which is to be [valued
the free & publicke maintenance of ye [publick worship of God: neverthelesse we either injoying the [ unthankfully or abusing the same unworth[
have thorow the ingratefull use of bodily [ unworthy abuse of spirituall mercies, provoked [by Gods rigorous justice, stirring up his never s[ufficiently praysed divine Majesty to just ange[r
of which he has shewed us not only bare[ signes, but has let us feel actually the ex[periments of his displeasure, visiting neighbour[s & remote places, villages, hamlets, with hot[ feavers & dangerous sicknesses for ye chastise[ if not punishment of the unthankfull use of [
temperall blessings & permitting & suffering t[he spirit of error amongst us to scatter his hur[ poyson about spirituall things, in casting up [ propagating of a new, never heard of abo[minable heresie, named Quakers, endevouring to sed[uce many, yea if it were possible the true bel[ie-
vers themselves. All which are signs of [Gods just judgement & certaine forerunners [of great plagues: for to remoove & keep off from our selves & ours, & to procure G[ods
favours, benefits & blessings as well in spi[rituall as in temporall matters, the Govern[or Generall & Councell of New Netherland
have thought good & necessary to frame [and publish a day of a common fast, prayer & thanksgiving, which shall be kept on ye sec[ond Wenedsday of this present month of Mar[ch being the thirteenth day of ye month & th[e
[several lines lost]
] Maijesty to bless[e
] all the time of our l[ife
] & supplicate his holij name with [
]ent hearts that it may please his d[ivine Majesty to continue his blessings over us this [present yeare, to the honour of his name, to [the furtherance & propagation of the gospel & t[he prosperity & salvation of us all. Which [
it may be performed with the more devotion [& unity, the Governour Generall & Councell [ prohibite, during the time of divine worship
on the same day of fasting, prayer & thankesgiving all exercises & recreations of stoolba[ll hunting, going a fishing, as also all unlaw[full sports, as gaming, dicing, carding, exesse in dr[incking & such like, upon payne of arbitrary pu[nishment & correction formerly constituted uppon
the same. Also we admonish & require all the ministers within our jurisdiction to frame [the prayers & sermons to ye same purpose. Thus enacted in our assembly in the fort New Amsterdam in New Netherland. Jan. 29 Ao. 1658.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 8.