Document: Proclamation:Institution of a rattle watch; those interested to come to meeting on 16 November

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Proclamation | Institution of a rattle watch; those interested to come to meeting on 16 November | Meeting | Meeting for the institution of a rattle watch | Meeting | Attendance list | Decision | To adjourn as no one interested in rattle watch came forward | Court Session | | Attendance List | | Court Case | Engeltie Mans v. Tryntie; wife of Poulus Heymans; default | Court Case | Maria de Truwe v. Arent Janssen; provost; default | Court Case | Arent Calebuys v. Claes Tysen; default | Court Case | Arent Calebuys v. Jacob Haey; demand for delivery of planks according to contact; washed away; Claes Tysen to be summoned

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Full Resolution Image

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