Document: Register of the principal resolutions in 1658

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Register of the principal resolutions in 1658.

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Register of the resolutions minutes, sentences, and other deeds, of the hon. lord director general, and lords councilors of New Netherland, begun on January first and ended on 26 December 1658

A short register was added in the back to facilitate finding the most important deeds.

[several lines lost] Where [ ] the Quakers [ ] will lodge [ ] remain

obedient [ ]

27. At the request of the farmers [ at the ] of the North River the exemption of the 10[ th ] was extended [ for ] 6 years.

73. Order on the church lots at Midwout.

83. On the petition of Reverend Polhemius, preacher on Long Island, it is resolved to credit him for service rendered with ƒ942:6: on the 29th of January.

85. Sale and conveyance of a tract of land located on the west side of the North River. 30 January.

128. Agreement with Hendrick de Backer that he will bake all the Company’s bread. Dated 26 February.

129. Resolved to lay out the newly-begun village of Haerlem. Dated 4 March.

146. Resolved to pay 10 stivers per week for billet money to all soldiers who have wives and don’t live in Company houses. Dated 11 March.

147. Copy of the commission for lord Johan de Deckere.

[several lines lost] to hear [ the ] statement of [ ] traders. 2 April.

[ ] Resolved to confine commissary van Brugge [ to ] the office. 2 April.

193. Proposition of the lord director general on account of the prevention of smuggle etc.

199. Reply of some merchants to the above proposal of the director general under folio 185, dated 9 April.

217. Resolved to farm out the imposition on the outgoing goods to the north and Virginia until the lords directors’ further order. Dated 16 April.

227. Resolved to let the lord general depart for the South River, and the reason why.

245. Report of his honor’s experiences at the South River.

251. Some propositions of councilor Johan de Deckere, and what was resolved thereof.

257. Resolved to fence off the city on the waterside with palisades; dated 15 May.

[several lines lost]

265. At the [ news ] wilden in the Esopus [ ] to let the lord general go with 50 or 60 [ ], 28 May.

296. Copy of the appointment of Hendrick vander Walle.

330. The conveyance to Wolphert Gerritsz, which was given before, is ratified and approved of.

358. Resolution how some seized and confiscated beavers would be used. 17 September.

394. Isaacq Allerton and John Laurence are relieved from their bail, passed for Captain John Jongh, together with an enclosed specification of the goods left here by John Jongh.

442. Letter from those [ in ] Boston in favor of Mr. John Laurens, and what followed thereupon.

455. Consented to Augustijn Heermans that he may make a voyage to Curaçao with the galiot N: Amstel, etc.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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