To the Right Honble the Director Gen'l, and Supreme Councillors of N: Netherland.
The Present Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland communicate with due reverence and respect:—
Whereas according to instruction given to this City, the election of Burgomasters and Schepens occurs annually on Candlemas Day, and, according to the custom of our Fatherland and the privilege of the surrounding Towns within this Province, a double number of the same is named by the ruling Burgomasters and Schepens, in order that, therefrom, a single number should be elected by Your Honors, Therefore your petitioners request as the election is now at hand, that you would please to confer on this City such privileges as the surrounding towns enjoy, and, consequently, to consent that the petitioners might nominate a double number of the new incoming Burgomasters and Schepens of this City, then, at the usual time to select and confirm a single number therefrom. Awaiting, hereupon, your favorable disposition, we Remain, Your Subjects and Servants The Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland, Was Signed, Allard Anthony, Oloff Stevensen, Johannes Van Brugh, Jacob Strycker, J. Vinje.
Endorsement :— [ Apostille ]
On account of the distance of the places and because the Director General and Council cannot always: be present, an? therefore cannot themselves have any knowledge of the fitness of the persons, has the nomination been conferred on the other Subaltern Benches of justice; on condition that the ruling (Magistrates) be beforehand nominated, for the D Gen'! and Council to confirm whomsoever they please, and that for their successors shall be presented proper persons; no opponents, but such as are well affected towards the Supreme Government; and that the Director General and Council, if they so please, may commission any person in their name, whom the nomination suits,
On which conditions the nomination is from now henceforward conferred on the Burgomasters and Schepens conjointly.
Done in our Assembly held in Fort Amsterdam in N. Netherland, the 18 January 1656. Was Subscribed, P. Stuyvesant.
Under Stood :—By Order of the Right Honble The Direct General and Supreme Council of N. Netherland, Signed
Corns V. Ruyven, Secretary.
[BEGINS 483]
Honourable, Beloved, Faithful!
This serves as accompaniment to the enclosed Placards which are sent to your Honors, that they may, pursuant to ancient usage, be published by your Honors, which expecting we shall commend your Honors unto God's protection and Remain, Your Honors' Affectionate friends, The Director General and Council of New Netherland.
Signed, P. Stuyvesant Understood— By order of the same,
C. v. Ruyven, Sec.
Done, Fortress Amsterdam in N.N. this 19th January 1656.