Extract from the register of resolutions kept by the lords directors of the West India Company, chamber of Amsterdam.
Monday the 12th of July 1655
Pursuant to the resolution of last 31 May, in which the commissioners of New Netherland examined the petition made by Pieter Lucassen, former skipper on the ship Abrahams Offerhande, concerning a request for payment of certain accounts submitted by him, namely:
We think, subject to correction, that, although the first entered item has been verified by a proper account, nevertheless payment of it here without cause cannot be demanded, because the goods were purchased and delivered in New Netherland with the condition that payment would be made there, and such still in balance of recognition fees, as can be expressly seen in the exhibited account itself.
The second item amountingto the sum of 785 guilders, 1 stiver, we deem, subject to correction, that payment of it ought to be made here, especially the sum of 691 guilders for which a proper account can be seen signed by Director Stuyvesant, (the payment of the remaining 94 guilders, 1 stiver, which is entered below the signature of the aforesaid account, is delayed until further proof), among others, the majority of these payments expenses were advanced by the aforesaid skipper upon the urgent request of the aforesaid director (while at Barbados) for payment of monthly wages earned on behalf of the Company by such naval personnel who otherwise would have withheld their services, and without which it would have been impossible to maintain the aforesaid ship Abrahams Offerhande at sea, as can also be sufficiently seen in the aforesaid director's letter dated [blank ] December.
Concerning the third and last item of ƒ255:-, the same must be paid according to the contract of the purchase of the ship in New Netherland, as also (undoubtedly thereon) has already been paid by twenty-six beavers, calculated at eight guilders, amounting to ƒ208, so that in any case it would only come to a sum of 47 guilders here.
Whereupon, after due discussion, the aforesaid recommendation was approved, and the aforementioned lords commissioners of New Netherland were thanked for their efforts.
Q. van Seventer Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source:New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial administrative correspondence, 1646-1664. Series A1810-78. Volume 12, document 29, side 1.