Resolution drafted at Fort Amsterdam on Curacao, 25 August 1644.
After having resolved the above concerning the discharge of some officers, it remains to fill the vacated positions with other capable and qualified persons, according to the order of the honorable lords-directors that all vacant positions shall be attended to by the director and council. Therefore, first of all we have appointed to the vacant position of the commissary L. Rodenborgh, the manager of the magazines Carel van Brugge, trusting in his ability and diligence hereto.
Second, to the position of quartermaster (it being necessary that it be filled by an experienced person knowledgeable therein) we have chosen our chief carpenter Harmen Willemsen who is willing to serve in both positions for one and the same salary, being assured of his ability and trustworthiness.
Third, to the position of the departing cornet we have appointed the corporal of our troop of horse Pieter Hendrijcx, upon the good recommendations received about him.
Fourth, with the departure of two sergeants and pursuant to the order of the honorable lords-directors, we have found it necessary to employ a sergeant and captain of arms who shall all serve in the position of sergeant; namely, as sergeant the present sergeant major over the Indians, Balthasar van Essen, previously called Hijmen Meurs, and as captain of arms Frans Meijndersz van Hamborgh, corporal.
Fifth, whereas the daily sicknesses and injuries lay many people up and the entire country can hardly be provided with one surgeon; also, sometimes circumstances and the service of the Company requires, as they now do, that some servants of the Company be sent with the Negroes to the saltpans of Bonnairo, for whom a surgeon is then necessary; therefore, it was necessary to employ another surgeon, and upon the recommendation of the chief surgeon appointed and employed Joan Piers van Behtouw, and give him 16 fl. per month beginning the first of June, since which time he has filled this position.
Sixth, whereas the secretary and provisional fiscal officer are both departing, a certain Hendrijck Eldersz van Couseur has been employed as clerk. He has been working at the office of the secretary for 5 to 6 months now and is therefore reasonably experienced in the art of writing so that he can be used by the commissary as a recorder or by the provisional director as a clerk, as the situation requires and his ability permits; he shall henceforth receive 15 fl. per month.
Seventhly, the galiot Amsterveen having been properly repaired here and being highly necessary for this administration in order to be sent off here and there for the Companys profit and the service of the country, and it being no less necessary to have a capable person as skipper to command it; therefore, we have employed Lucas Louwrents van Hoesem after receiving good reports and recommendations about his diligence and ability, he having served as skipper on our sloop for about two years. He is to receive, upon expiration of the aforesaid time, the salary of the previous skipper Lourents Christiaensz, namely 30 fl. per month.
Finally, whereas there is usually a shortage of military and maritime personnel here, and some old servants, whose time has expired, and [ who ] have requested previously, for continuation in the service, an increase in their salaries, we have, because they are more experienced and capable than new recruits, granted their request with a 2 guilder increase for each year;[i] and in like manner two horsemen, namely, William Joons and Joris Jons, whose increase is effective with the beginning of this year, they having [ served ] already 22 to 23 months beyond their time; their request having been approved upon submittal. Thus done and concluded in the year and day as stated above.
Jacob Matthijsz vanRijtthooven
P Stuyvesant
Jacob Loper
L. Rodenborch
Jan Jansen van Nimmegen
J. Scherff
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections], Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement] Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Curacao records, 1640-1665. Series A1883-78. Volume 17, documents 10b, page 2 - 10c, page 1, side 2.