Document: RESOLUTION to send blacks and materials to Bonaire, and bread to two cruising ships

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Resolution. To send for salt to the north side of Hispaniola and supplies to the cruisers. [1644]

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Resolution drafted on the island of Curacao, 22 July 1644.

Whereas we have since last Monday, being the 18th of this month, until today done our best to bring some needed equipment aboard the galiot and sloop to Bonnairo to take advantage of the salt and at the same time the Companys Black servants, but have been hindered until now by contrary currents and we still see no chance to put to at the shore; therefore, we find it advisable for the most profit and benefit of the Company to let the galiot cross over to the coast of Espaniola or at least around north of the island with as many Negroes and as much equipment as can suitably be carried. The arrival of De Melckmeyt at Bonnairo has compelled us to do this when it informed us today, 22 July, of its arrival there and that there was enough salt for a load; which at this opportunity, it being late in the year, a bird in flight can suffer no delay.

Moreover, it is also necessary that the galiot be sent up there in order to bring some bread to our cruising yachts Neptunus and Paroquiet which they need and since their departure has been baked here for them, of which they shall daily be in want.

In the meantime we shall keep the sloop nearby in order to use it, when the current reverses, to land the remaining Negroes and equipment so that we can take advantage of the salt as soon as possible. Thus done and concluded at the place, year and day as stated above.

P. Stuyvesant
Jacob Loper
L. Rodenborch Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections], Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement] Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Curacao records, 1640-1665. Series A1883-78. Volume 17, documents 9a - 9b, page 1, side 2.

Translation Superscripts

Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., Curacao Papers, 1640-1665 (New Netherland Research Center and the New Netherland Institute: 2011).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.

Locations (Unlinked)
Fort Amsterdam on Curacao|Bonnairo|Espaniola|Hispaniola
Ship Mentioned (Unlinked)
De Melckmeyt| Neptunus| Paroquiet
To Party 1
To Party 1 Text Unlinked
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Petrus Stuyvesant|Jacob Loper|L. Rodenborch
Document Location