The answere to the Comissioners letters.
Honoured and Worthy Sirs
Yours of the 16th of September I recd and whereas you are pleased to write, that dis[ ] and profitable peace betwixt the English Collonies & Dutch plantacions in these partes [ ] and prese[ ] what you had heard, first Concerning the trading of gunnes etc: att fort Ourania, 2ly: Concerning the recognit[ ] heere received, and that as yett you had not received my answere.
In the first place I cannot but approve of your considerate Cares to the welfare of these places, & hope you will looke uppon mee as one of the same Condition & as deputed from my sovereigne masters, that have soe long and soe haplie lived in peace & union with the English nation in our native Countires, and therefore dare have noe other thoughts but my obedience to theyre just Commands.
2ly. Concerninge
[ ] one friend to another [ ] [ ]low subjects of one state, if J[ ] [ ]r Countrie, if he can make it Soe well app[ ] [ ] the lesse troublesome [ ]
[ ]selves & considered all the letters & claimes of myne to the Go[ ] [ ]ges as first our pretence frame Cape Henlopen to Cape Cod, you [ ] [ ] Eastward is in our language called Cape Mallabare, in Engl. Cape Cod [ ] but another by you called Poynt Judith, & for myne own [ ] & was reallie [ ] some agitation in ways of preparation to our superiors att home for [ ] all future Causes of Contestation betwixt us & our posteritie heere might have setled but soe any private differences betwixt me or any partie else I shall [ ] but to my honoured friends the Governors of Boston & Plimmouth; for my dubious exp[ ] our (if I did most) allthough in myne owne heart I was resolved for it, yet not knowing [ ]ould not positively preclude it; In myne to Mr. Winthrop I briefly rendered the rasone [ ] I suppose you have likewise seene, & my thoughts & resolutions were, referring to each other [ ] hard entered into such a Combination with you as a Christian friend & Neighbor & as in your wisdoms [ ] thought most profitable for the well being & supsistence of us all in these parts against our Common [ ] comission from my soverignes from what I have allready (or shall) & when tyme & [ ] you [ J is soe large & ample as will satisfy yow in every respect, and although for mine yow owne parte I might [ ] I have already sufficiently [ ] my duty in my often propositions for a meeting, & in expectat[ ] hendered from following other [ ] in my masters service, yet notwithstanding shall still referre myselfe [ ] wheather you consider it necessary or not. And to appoint the time, all [ ] & indeed it maybe in June [ ]st.
Whereas you write me Concerning my ver [ ]ining of recognition of some that only passed by, there was a finall matter d[ ] & [ ] of acknowledgmt by one of your countrymen & was for trading att the South river a place we .pretend unto but since uppon some considerations have forborne.
Whereas you are likewise pleased in all your letters to give our Province the appellation of a plantation, you may please to understand that our States Generall have intitled & ind[ ] us with the liberties & privileges of a Province and so [ ] us in all, theyre courteous, for with my respective love to you all I rest
Fort New Amsterdam in New Netherland
Pet. Stuyvesant