Document: Sundry actions for debt

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March 2 to 27 April. Sundry actions for debt.

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Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeMarch 2, 1660


La MontagneFrancois BoonAnderies HerpertsenAlexander LeendersenJan Verbeeck

Hendrick Jochemsen, plaintiff, againstDefault, the wife of Gijsbert de Vos, defendant.

Jacob Thijsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan Albersen, defendant.

Cristoffel Davidts, plaintiff, againstDefault. Willem Jansen, defendant.

Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, against Reynier Wisselpenninck, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of 17 schepels of wheat.The defendant fails to appear but has ordered the court messenger to acknowledge the debt.The court condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff the wheat demanded within the period of six weeks.

Idem plaintiff, against2d default. Willem Brouwer, defendant.

Rutger Jacobsen, plaintiff, against2d default. Hendrick Claesen, defendant.

Teunis Tomassen, plaintiff, against1st default. Cornelus Hoogenboom, defendant.

Poulus Comelussen, plaintiff, against Hans Carelsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands delivery of 30 schepels of salt.The honorable court refers the parties to referees.

Jacob Hendricksen, plaintiff, against Poulus Martensen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of thirty guilders, arising from an attachment of the purchase money of the house of Jacob Neus in the hands of the defendant.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the required sum to the plaintiff within the space of six weeks and to recover the amount from Jacob Neus.

Jan Labatie, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jacob Theunesen, defendant.

Pieter Boudt, plaintiff, against Abraham Carpeyn, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant claims fourteen guilders from him and maintains that he owes him nothing, as he paid the defendant with a half barrel of good beer won in a wager.The honorable court orders the plaintiff to pay the defendant the aforesaid fourteen guilders according to his confession, as a wager is not accepted in payment before the court.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeApril 20, 1660


La MontagneFrancois BoonAnderies HerpertsenJan Verbeeck

Jochem Wessels, plaintiff, against Jan van Eeckelen, defendant.The plaintiff, as attorney for Hans Coenraets, demands payment by the defendant of one hundred twenty-seven schepels of wheat.The defendant admits the debt.The court condemns the defendant as heretofore to pay the aforesaid wheat and orders the plaintiff to hand the judgment to the court messenger to execute the same.

Thoomas Pouly, plaintiff, against Cathalyna Simsons, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment by the defendant of the sum of two hundred fifty guilders, arising from [ the purchase of ] a horse.The defendant admits the debt, but says that she has put the matter into the hands of the orphan masters.The plaintiff demands his rights.The court, having heard the parties, orders the plaintiff to wait until curators of the said estate are appointed.

Jacobus Jansen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff gives notice of the attachment of the defendant’s money in the hands of Thoomas Janssen and request that the attachment may be declared valid.The honorable court provisionally issues a writ of attachment and orders that the defendant shall be summoned again.

Dirck Teunesen, plaintiff, against Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff gives notice of the attachment of the defendant’s money in the hands of Thoomas Jansen and requests to be admitted to the conference with others. Fiat ut supra.

Theunes Theunesen, plaintiff, against3rd default. Cornelus Hoogenboom, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of twenty-eight guilders in sewant.The honorable court orders the defendant by default to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded, within the space of 14 days, on pain of attachment.

Jacob Thijsen, plaintiff, against2d default. Jan Albersen, defendant.The honorable court, seeing the promissory note executed by the defendant, Jan Albersen, and that referees decided that the defendant must pay the plaintiff the said twenty-six guilders according to the note, hereby confirm the decision of the arbitrators and condemn the defendant to pay the said sum in cash, on pain of attachment, with the costs of this suit.

Arendt van den Bergh, plaintiff, against2d default. Hendrick Gerritsen, defendant.

Anderies de Vosch, plaintiff, against1st default. Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.

Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, against Michiel Theunesen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment by the defendant of 5 schepels of wheat and eight white loaves.The defendant admits that he owes 4 schepels of wheat and 15 stivers.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the sum demanded, the grain at market value, and that within the space of three weeks, on pain of attachment.

Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, against Cathalina Samsons, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant the sum of one hundred guilders in sewant.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court orders the plaintiff also to wait until curators of the same estate are appointed.

Goosen Gerritsen, plaintiff, against Adriaen Janssen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant’s garden adjoins his and that he is not willing to assist in putting up a fence, made of planks.The defendant says that he is not obliged to put up a fence, made of planks.The plaintiff replies that for want of a good fence he will suffer damage to his trees.The honorable court, having heard the parties on both sides and considered the matter, orders the defendant to fence off his part and parcel and provide it with such a fence and materials as according to circumstances he shall be able to obtain, so that his neighbor may remain free from damage.

Comelus Comelussen, plaintiff, against1st default. Claes Theunesen, defendant.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeApril 27, 1660


La MontagneFrancois BoonAnderies HerpertsenSander LeendersenJan Verbeeck

Volckert Jansen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Cornelis Vosch, defendant.

Fop Baerentsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Cornelis Vosch, defendant.The honorable burgomaster, Aldert Anthony, appearing before the court, offers to the poor three beavers which are due to him from Cornelis Vosch, arising from some merchandise which Jan Carstensen, deceased, bought of the burgomaster, and appoints Philip Pietersen his attorney to execute the matter.

Anderies de Vosch, plaintiff, against1st default. Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.

Daniel Rinckhoudt, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan van Hoesem, defendant.

Idem plaintiff, against Theunes Tempelier, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant has had his money attached.The defendant says that he knows nothing about it, but that there is still due him from Harm Jacobsz, deceased, ƒ136 in beavers for goods delivered.The court declares the attachment not valid and refers the defendant to the curators of the estate of the said Harmen Jacobsz, deceased, to recover the amount of his claim.

Dirckie Martensen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Poulus Jansen, defendant.

Philip Meyndersen,[1] plaintiff, against Stijntie, the wife of Barent Meynd[ ersen ], defendant.The plaintiff complains that the defendant called him a thief.The defendant says that the plaintiff steals her honor and accuses her of fornication.The plaintiff denies it.The court orders the parties to produce their evidence in writing on the next court day.

Willem [surname omitted], plaintiff, and party attaching, against Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff gives notice of a certain attachment of the defendant’s money in the hands of Thoomas Jansen and requests participation in the conference with others.The court grants the plaintiff’s request.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: This is clearly an error for Philip Hendricksen; see session for the May 25,1660 session, in which this case is continued and adjourned.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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