Christoffel Santome - 1660-12-31
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Grant Lot Document(s)
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Christoffel Santome
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Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
C. The Grant to Christoffel Santome
Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Christoffel Santome. Ground-brief dated 1659-60. Not found of record; TecMtA in Liber Patents, \\: ill (Albany).
Conveys premises described in confirmation set forth below.
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Christoffell Santome. Confirmation dated Oct. 15, 1667. — Ibid., II: 122 (Albany).
Confirms a grant to Christoffell Santome, a free negro, made to him by Director Stuyvesant, in 1659-60, and designated No. I. Containing in breadth alongst the wagon path 32 rods; in length, on the south side, along by the land of Antony Sopie, 46 rods; behind, on the west side, 39 rods; and on the north side, alongst Manuell de Ros, 38 rods.
Christopher Santome to Sigismundus Luycas. Deed dated , not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds,
VI: 154 (Albany).
Conveys same premises.
Sigismund Luycas to Hendrick Bastiensen. Deed dated Nov. I, \ii-]<).—Ibid., VI: 154 (Albany).
Conveys same premises.
Jacob Cornelissen Stille married Marritje Hendricx, wid. of Hendrick Bastiaensen, Feb. 6, 1684. She was his second wife. His sons took the surname of Somerendyk and Woertendyk, finally retaining the latter as their family name. — Purple in A^. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Rec. (1876), 50.
Jacob Stille and Mary, his wife, late widow of Henry Bastionson, deed.; and John Brevoort, tutor of children of Henry Bastionsen, deed., to Richard Ashfield. Deed dated Apl. 23, 1696. — Liber Deeds, XXI: 143 (New York).
Conveys same premises, with other property.
Richard Ashfield and Mary, his wife, to Jacob Stille. Deed dated Jan. 11, 1697. — Ibid., XXI: 261 (New York).
No deed has been found into Robert Benson. He probably purchased from the heirs ot Cornells Jacobsen Stille. He secured a license, Aug. 16, 1738, to marry Catherine, daughter of Egbert van Borsum.
Catharine Benson, widow, and Robert Benson, to John Dyckman. Deed dated Feb. 28, 1764. — Ibid., XXXV: 547 (New York). Consid., £1,800.
Conveys "land, messuage and tenement in the Out Ward, bounded westerly by the King's Highway to Harlem at the division line between lands of Cornelius Wortendyck and lands herein granted. Thence along said King's Highway N. 20° 30' E. 5 ch., ^2 '• to division line of Nicholas Bayard; thence along the land of Nicholas Bayard N. 61° 30' W. 5 ch., thence N. 78° W. 4 ch.
thence N. 66° W. 7 ch., 70 1.;
thence N. 39° W. 5 ch., 41 1. to north-west corner thereof;
thence S. 55° 30' W. 8 ch., 52 1. to south-west corner thereof;
thence S. 67° E. 3 ch., 24 1.;
thence S. 72° E. 2 ch., 34 1.;
thence S. 52° E. 63 1.;
thence S. 30° 30' E. 4 ch.;
thence S. 27° 30' E. 4 ch., 70 1.;
thence S. 25° 30' E. i ch., 80 1.; to south-west corner of the and of Cornelius Wortendyck;
thence along the rear of the land of Cornelius Wortendyck N. 18° 30' E. 6 ch., 30 1.; to north-west corner of Wortendyck's land; thence along the north-east side ofWortendyck's land, S. 65° 30', E. 9 ch., 75 1. to Highway, at the place of beginning. Containing 18 acres."
Catherine and Robert Benson were the widow and son of Robert Benson St., a wealthy brewer, who died in 1762. For this family, see Riker, Hist, of Harlem, 483.
No will or intestacy of Robert Benson found in New York County.
"Oct. 13, 1780. Surveyed John Dykemans farm . . . computed and Divided it into Equal parts." — E. Bancker's MSS. notes, in N. Y. Hist. Soc.
This fine survey "Protracted according to his deeds and found by computation to contain 16.63 acres," is in the Bancker Coll., N. Y. P. L., MSS. Div.
The house stood west of the Bowery Lane, about 150 ft. north of E. Houston St. See Pis. 41 and 42, Vol. I.
Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Christoffel Santome. Ground-brief dated 1659-60. Not found of record; TecMtA in Liber Patents, \\: ill (Albany).
Conveys premises described in confirmation set forth below.
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Christoffell Santome. Confirmation dated Oct. 15, 1667. — Ibid., II: 122 (Albany).
Confirms a grant to Christoffell Santome, a free negro, made to him by Director Stuyvesant, in 1659-60, and designated No. I. Containing in breadth alongst the wagon path 32 rods; in length, on the south side, along by the land of Antony Sopie, 46 rods; behind, on the west side, 39 rods; and on the north side, alongst Manuell de Ros, 38 rods.
Christopher Santome to Sigismundus Luycas. Deed dated , not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds,
VI: 154 (Albany).
Conveys same premises.
Sigismund Luycas to Hendrick Bastiensen. Deed dated Nov. I, \ii-]<).—Ibid., VI: 154 (Albany).
Conveys same premises.
Jacob Cornelissen Stille married Marritje Hendricx, wid. of Hendrick Bastiaensen, Feb. 6, 1684. She was his second wife. His sons took the surname of Somerendyk and Woertendyk, finally retaining the latter as their family name. — Purple in A^. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Rec. (1876), 50.
Jacob Stille and Mary, his wife, late widow of Henry Bastionson, deed.; and John Brevoort, tutor of children of Henry Bastionsen, deed., to Richard Ashfield. Deed dated Apl. 23, 1696. — Liber Deeds, XXI: 143 (New York).
Conveys same premises, with other property.
Richard Ashfield and Mary, his wife, to Jacob Stille. Deed dated Jan. 11, 1697. — Ibid., XXI: 261 (New York).
No deed has been found into Robert Benson. He probably purchased from the heirs ot Cornells Jacobsen Stille. He secured a license, Aug. 16, 1738, to marry Catherine, daughter of Egbert van Borsum.
Catharine Benson, widow, and Robert Benson, to John Dyckman. Deed dated Feb. 28, 1764. — Ibid., XXXV: 547 (New York). Consid., £1,800.
Conveys "land, messuage and tenement in the Out Ward, bounded westerly by the King's Highway to Harlem at the division line between lands of Cornelius Wortendyck and lands herein granted. Thence along said King's Highway N. 20° 30' E. 5 ch., ^2 '• to division line of Nicholas Bayard; thence along the land of Nicholas Bayard N. 61° 30' W. 5 ch., thence N. 78° W. 4 ch.
thence N. 66° W. 7 ch., 70 1.;
thence N. 39° W. 5 ch., 41 1. to north-west corner thereof;
thence S. 55° 30' W. 8 ch., 52 1. to south-west corner thereof;
thence S. 67° E. 3 ch., 24 1.;
thence S. 72° E. 2 ch., 34 1.;
thence S. 52° E. 63 1.;
thence S. 30° 30' E. 4 ch.;
thence S. 27° 30' E. 4 ch., 70 1.;
thence S. 25° 30' E. i ch., 80 1.; to south-west corner of the and of Cornelius Wortendyck;
thence along the rear of the land of Cornelius Wortendyck N. 18° 30' E. 6 ch., 30 1.; to north-west corner of Wortendyck's land; thence along the north-east side ofWortendyck's land, S. 65° 30', E. 9 ch., 75 1. to Highway, at the place of beginning. Containing 18 acres."
Catherine and Robert Benson were the widow and son of Robert Benson St., a wealthy brewer, who died in 1762. For this family, see Riker, Hist, of Harlem, 483.
No will or intestacy of Robert Benson found in New York County.
"Oct. 13, 1780. Surveyed John Dykemans farm . . . computed and Divided it into Equal parts." — E. Bancker's MSS. notes, in N. Y. Hist. Soc.
This fine survey "Protracted according to his deeds and found by computation to contain 16.63 acres," is in the Bancker Coll., N. Y. P. L., MSS. Div.
The house stood west of the Bowery Lane, about 150 ft. north of E. Houston St. See Pis. 41 and 42, Vol. I.
Lot Event Type