Document: Court Case:Willem Pieterssen v. Mijndert Lourissen; complaint as to slander of theft; insult and assault over delivery of tobacco; order for tobacco to be delivered

Holding Institution
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Court Case | Willem Pieterssen v. Mijndert Lourissen; complaint as to slander of theft; insult and assault over delivery of tobacco; order for tobacco to be delivered | Order | Borger Jorisen to pay for court sessions in his suit with Josua Atwater | Order | Jan Hackins to pay for court sessions in his suit with Leendert Leenderssen | Apostil | On the request of Johannes Nevius for revision in his suit as attorney of his father-in-law; Cornelis de Potter; with Govert Loockermans; attorney of Pieter Cornelissen van Veen; granted

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