Petrus Stuyvesant, on the part of the Noble High and Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands, and the Honble Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company, Director General of New Netherland, Curaçao, Buenaire, Aruba and their dependencies, with the Honble Supreme Council, To the Court Messenger, Claes van Elslant hereunto requested, Health. Whereas Pieter Dircksen Waterhout skipper of the ship New Amsterdam has been received by US in case of appeal, over and regarding the judgment pronounced by the Court of Amsterdam in New Netherland, dated 15 Oct* last, between him and David Frere, a Jew; whereas the said Pieter Dircksen is, by the aforesaid judgment condemned to fulfill to the said David Frere his signed bill of lading of 40 ankers of distilled waters, notwithstanding he has shewn and proved, that he delivered the said ankers from the ship into the Honble Company's Store; whereas he, also, says, the greater part of the cargo in the ship navigated by him has been delivered by or for Adriaen Blommaert to Abraham Staets and whereas he requests our intercession, Therefore We hereby charge you to summon, in the name of the Supreme Court, the said David Frere to appear or to send an attorney before US here in Fort Amsterdam, on the 18th instant, to see US annuli or disallow the sentence aforesaid, to sustain the same, or to reverse it, as his good counsel shall direct, notifying those of the Court aforesaid to appear, or send attornies on the aforesaid day, if they so please, and this matter in any way concerns them, commanding, farther, in the name as aforesaid, the abovementioned attornies and cited persons neither to attempt nor to invent any thing to the prejudice of the aforesaid appeal, but on the contrary, if they have attempted or invented aught therein, the same to repair and to place in its first and proper state. Leaving authentic copy for the use of the abovenamed David Frere, and advising US of what has occurred to you. Given in the Fortress Amsterdam, in N. Netherland under Our Seal, Paraphure and the Signature of Our Secretary, the 4th January 1650. Was Subscribed
* See entry of the 18th Oct., 1655,
P. Stuyvesant. Under Stood: By order of the Right Honble D Gen. and Supreme
Council of N. Netherland
Signed Corn Van Ruyven Secretary. On one side stood: The Provincial Seal, impressed on Red Wax.
On the 13th January 1656, have I, Claes van Elslant, Court Messenger, served on the Burgomaster Allard Antony, the Mandamus of Piet Dircksen Waterhout. Done at Amsterdam, was Signed,
Claes van Elslant, Court Messenger.
[Text is continued in NYC-RNA-v1_bk4_480 thru 481. Presented complete here for continuity. NAHC]
At bottom of 480
In pursuance of the above Mandamus and Return of Summons, the Honble e Allard Antony, present, is by plurality of votes appointed by the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens to hear the pronounced judgment confirmed or amended.