Document: Decision | To summon the wife of Joost van Beeck in regard to the judgment against her

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|Decision |To summon the wife of Joost van Beeck in regard to the judgment against her|Decision |To submit a request to Director General and Council regarding the fees for gauging weighing and measuring instruments|Request |Request to Director General and Council regarding the fees for gauging weighing and measuring instruments|Apostil |On the request to Director General and Council regarding the fees for gauging weighing and measuring instruments; granted

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[Text is continued in NYC-RNA-v1_bk4_480 thru 481. Presented complete here for continuity.  NAHC]

At bottom of 480

In pursuance of the above Mandamus and Return of Summons, the Honble e Allard Antony, present, is by plurality of votes appointed by the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens to hear the pronounced judgment confirmed or amended.

Begin 481

On the proposal of the President relative to the [insinuation] served on this Court by the wife of Joost Van Beeck touching the judgment against her, it is Resolved that the officer shall cause the abovenamed [Van Beeck's] wife to be summoned against the next Court day before the Schepens to hear her thereupon; and (then deeming it necessary to refer the case to the Honble D Gen'l and Council for confirmation before this tribunal.

Further, and finally, is it Resolved to present the following petition to the Honble Director General and Supreme Council:—

To the Right Honorable Director General and Supreme Councillors of New Netherland.

The present Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in N. Netherland communicate with due reverence and respect:—

That it was resolved, at your petitioners' assembly dated 28th June 1655, for the raising some funds for the supply of some necessary works and expenses of this City to fix as follows:—

For Stamping of the Skepel.....................15 stivers;

For Marking the Ell........................... 20 stivers;

For Stamping the tun or half barrel........... 10 stivers;

For Stamping the quarter tun or half barrel.... 5 stivers;

For Stamping every can, large or small,........ 6 stivers;

For Stamping the 10 lbs weight................. 3 stivers;

For Stamping the 10@ 20 lbs.................... 5 stivers;

For Stamping the 20@ 50 lbs.................... 8 stivers;

Above 50 lbs.................................. 10 stivers;

And that every tavernkeeper shall take out quarterly a license and pay therefor six guilders.

And whereas for some reason it has been postponed to this date to your Honors approbation of the same, the petitioners therefore request now, that Your Honors would please to approve of the aforesaid proposal for the benefit of this City, in order to carry the same into effect on the first opportunity. Awaiting hereupon Your Honors' favorable disposition, we remain Your humble Servants The Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in N. Netherland (Signed Allard Antony, Johannes Van Brugh, Jacob Strycker, J. Vinje.

Done this 17 January 1656. Amsterdam in New Netherland

Fiat ut petitur. Done in our Assembly held in the Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland the 18 January Anno 1656. Was subscribed—P. Stuyvesant.

Understood :—By order of the Rt. Honble. Director Genl. and Supreme Council.

(Signed) C. Van Ruyven, Secretary.



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