Document: Letter | Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council; submitting the nomination for the incoming magistrates

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|Letter |Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council; submitting the nomination for the incoming magistrates

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[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_492,493,beginning of 495. Presented here for continuity.  NAHC]

Monday, 31 January 1656. In the City Hall. Present the W. Heeren Allard Anthony, and Oloff Stevensen, Burgomasters; Joh Van Brugge, Jacob Strycker, and Jan Vinje, Schepens.

At this Meeting appeared Cornelis van Tienhoven, Councillor and Fiscal of New Netherland, and present Schout of the City of Amsterdam, as Commissioner from the Supreme Council, to assist at the nomination of the succeeding Burgomasters and Schepens, according to the order, given by the Honble General and Council of New Netherland, dated 18th January 1656, which abovenamed Van Tienhoven was accepted by the Court in his aforesaid capacity; recommending the Burgomasters and Schepens, to nominate such persons, as are of good fame and name and considered worthy to fill such office, and who would be inclined to appear with honor in their places.

Vote of Allard Anthony—

For Burgomasters: Paulus Leenderts Vandie Grift, Willem Beekman.

For Schepens: Pieter Wolfertsen, Govert Loockermans, Piet. Cornelis Vander Veen, Jacob Backer, Adriaen Blommart, Isaack de Foreest, Jan Gerritsen Brouwer, Hendrick Kip.

Vote of J. Van Brugge—

For Burgomasters: Paul! L. Vandie Grift, Pieter v. Couwenhoven.

For Schepens: Willem Beekman, Govert Loockermans, Cornelis Schut, Pt Corn. Van der Veen, Jacob Steendam, Jacob Backer, Adriaen Blommaert, Claes Bordingh.

Vote of Oloff Stevensen—

For Burgomasters: Martin Krigier, Pieter Wolfertsen;

For Schepens: Paulus L: Vandie Grift, Will. Beekman, Piet. Cornelis vander Veen, Jacob Bakker, Adriaen Blommaert, Isaack Foreest, Hend'k Kip, Jacob Steendam.

Vote of Jan Vinje—

For Burgomasters :

Willem Beekman, Joh. Van Brugge,

For Schepens:

Pieter Wolfertsen, P. L. Vandiegrift, Hendrick Kip, Isaack ,de Foreest, Govert Loockermans, Jacob Backer, Corn. Schut, Alexander d'Inyossaph.

Vote of Jacob Strycker—

For Burgomasters:

Martin Crigier

Pieter v. Couwenhoven.

For Schepens:

P. Leendrts Vandie Grift, Will: Beeckman, Isaack de Foreest, Hendrick Kip, Pt. Cornelis Van der Veen, Jacob Bakker, Jacob Steendam, Evert Duyckingh.

Total of Votes:

For Burgomasters:

II-Martin Crigier 2.

II-Paul. L. Vandiegrift 2.

III-Pieter V. Couwenhoven 3.

II-Willem Beeckman 2.

I-Johannes van Brugge 1.

The question being put de novo—Are found as Burgomasters: Martin Krigier, Pt. v. Couwenhoven.

For Schepens:

II-Pieter van Couwenhoven 2.

III-Govert Loockermans 3.-3.

IIII-Pt. Corn. Vander Veen 4.-4.

IIIII-Jacob Backer 5.-5.

III-Adriaen Blommart 3.-3.

IIII-Isaack d'Foreest 4.-4.

IIII-Hendrick Kip 4.-4.

I-Jan Gerritsen Brouwer 2

III-Paulus L. Van die Grift 3.-3.

III-Willem Beekman 3.-3.

III-Jacob Steendam 3.

II-Cornelis Schut 11.

I-Claes Bordingh 1.

I-Evert Duyckingh 1.

I-Alexander d'Inyoseph I.

Are found as Schepens:

Paul Leend. Vandie Grift. Willem Beeckman, Jacob Backer, Pt Corn. Vander Veen. Isaack de Foreest, Hend'k Kip, Govert Loockermans, Adriaen Blommart.

Resolved, that the preceding nomination by plurality of votes thus found, be enclosed and delivered by Allard Antony to the Honble General and Supreme Council in the form of the following letter:


[Begins 495]

Honourable, Valiant, Gentlemen:

Inasmuch as You have been pleased to favor this City or the Burgomasters and Schepens thereof with the nomination of those succeeding to our quality, we cannot do otherwise than thankfully acknowledge such favor and benefit, in regard to public affairs, and pursuant to your Order of date 18th January 1656. to nominate, as soon as possible for the present time, a double number, viz these following Burghers and inhabitants of this City:—

For Burgomasters:

Martin Crigier, Pieter van Couwenhoven.

For Schepens :

Paulus Leenderts. Vandie Grift, Willem Beekman, Jacob Backer,

Pt Corn Vander Veen, Isaack d' Foreest, Hendrick Kip, Govert Lookermans, Adriaen Blommart.

Requesting that you would be pleased to elect from them the wisest, most intelligent and best qualified to succeed to the place of the outgoing Burgomaster and Schepens, in order that the Commonalty may be protected and the business of the country transacted. Done this 31 January 1656. In the City Hall at the Court of the Burgomasters and Schepens of this City of Amsterdam in New Netherland; present C. v. Tienhoven. By order of the Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland

Jacob Kip, Secretary.


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