Document: Letter | Director General and Council to Burgomasters and Schepenen; accompanying an ordinance against practicing any religion other than the Reformed

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|Letter |Director General and Council to Burgomasters and Schepenen; accompanying an ordinance against practicing any religion other than the Reformed|Ordinance |Director General and Council against practicing any religion other than the Reformed

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[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_503,504. Presented here for continuity.  NAHC]


Honourable, Beloved, Faithful.

This serves as accompaniment of the enclosed Order which is sent to your Worships, to publish the same, according to the tenor thereof, affix and execute it against the contraveners, expecting which we commend your Worships to God's protection and safeguard and Remain

Your affectionate Friends

The Director General and Council of N.N.

By order of the same, C. v. Ruyven, Secretary.

Done Fortress Amsterdam in Netherland this 4th February 1656.

The superscription was, Honourable, Beloved, Faithful the Scout, Burgomasters and Schepens of the City Amsterdam in New Netherland.

Whereas* the Director General and Council of New Netherland are credibly informed that not only Conventicles and Meetings are held here and there within this Province, but also that in such gatherings some unqualified persons have assumed unto themselves the office of teaching; announcing and declaring God's Holy Word, without being called or appointed thereunto by authority either of Church or State, which is in direct contradiction and opposition to the General policy and Church government of our Fatherland, because from such manner of gatherings divers mischiefs, heresies, and schisms are to be expected, which to prevent, the Director General and aforesaid Council do hereby, therefore, absolutely and expressly forbid all such Conventicles or Gatherings, whether publick or private, except the usual and lawful ones in which God's reformed word and the ordained assemblies of God's Reformed worship are observed and conducted conformably to those of the Synod of Dordrecht, here, in our Fatherland and in other Reformed Churches in Europe, under the penalty of One Hundred Pounds Flemish, to be forfeited by all those who assume to themselves any unqualified office whether of preaching, reading or singing, whether on Sunday or any other day in such Gatherings whether private or publick, the usual, lawful Congregations excepted—and five and twenty like Pounds to be forfeited by every man or woman, married or unmarried who are found at such gatherings: Without the Director General and Council intending, hereby, however, any violence to Conscience to the prejudice of the Patents formerly granted, or to prohibit the reading of God's Holy Word, family prayers and Worship, each in his own house; but all publick and private Conventicles and Gatherings, whether in publick or private houses, except the repeatedly mentioned customary and ordained Reformed Worship, which that it may the better be observed and respected, and that no one may pretend any ignorance thereof; the Director General and Council order their Fiscal together with the Subaltern Magistrates and Sheriffs this to publish and cause to be published every where within this province, and to execute the same against all contraveners, the rather as we find such to appertain to the glory of God, the promotion of the Reformed Religion and the publick peace, harmony and Welfare. Thus Done, Resolved and arrested the 1 February 1656 in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland Was undersigned, P. Stuyvesant.

Under Stood—By order of the Rt. Hon Director General and Council of N: Netherland.

Signed C. v. Ruyven, Secretary.

On this 7 February 1656, this preceding Ordinance is published and affixed, pursuant to the letter to the Schout, Burgomasters, and Schepens of the City Amsterdam, after previous ringing of the Bell. Done in Court aforesaid.

*See Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, p. 212.


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