[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_506,507,508,509,510. Presented here for continuity. NAHC]
Monday, the 21 February 1656. In the City Hall. Present the W. Heeren Cornelis van Tienhoven, Oloff Stevensen, Joh. Verbrugge, Jacob Strycker, Jan Vinje, Will: Beekman, and Hendrick Kip.
Joost van Beeck, pltf. v/s Corn. Jansen Coele, deft. Both in default.
Jacob Schellinger, pltf. v/s Tryntie Heymans, deft. Deft's 2 default. Pltf's wife appeared in Court requesting—inasmuch as she sold to one Jan Gerritsen, who was killed in the last disaster, some goods, amongst others some stuff, whereon he still owes fl. 11. and for a hanger also fl. 11. being fl. 22 in all—that deft. be condemned to pay her, as she took the property of dec'd—; or otherwise, that pltf. be authorized to take back the aforesaid stuff, which still remains in her house. Deft. answering says, the aforesaid Jan Gerritsen gave, in his lifetime, the aforesaid stuff to her daughter as his bride, but offers to pay the fl. 11. to be quits. Relative to the other fl. 11. says, she knows nothing of it, inasmuch as all the property on Staten Island was burned and lost, and she obtained none of it. Parties being heard, the Court condemns the deft. Tryntie van Hengelen to pay pltf. fl. 11. for the stuff before she shall keep or use it, and it was further decided, that pltf. shall prove, deft. has accepted or received any of deceased's property, when further disposition shall be made therein.
Maria Geraerdy, pltf. v/s Harmen Douwesen, deft. Deft. in default.
Paulus Schrick, pltf. v/s Sara Joris, deft. Deft. being absent was excused from default in consequence of the bad weather.
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Jacob Teunissen, pltf. v/s Anthony Jansen van Salee, deft. Pltf. complains that deft. has caused his goods at Gravesend to be arrested. Requests reasons for the arrest. Deft. acknowledges, that he has arrested the goods, because he, pltf., hired as his servant for one year and absconded from his service. Requesting satisfaction therefor. Jacob Teunissen denies, that he had hired himself to Antony Jansen for a year, as he is in the employ of Lourens Jansen according to attestation of the aforesaid Lourens exhibited in Court. Antony Jansen says: After Jacob Teunissen had come to him and had hired with him, Antony, he said, he should first learn, if he were free, and that Jacob Teunissen thereupon went to Gravesend and said he had settled with Lourens and was free, and that he thereupon hired him for one year. Jacob Teunissen denies the same. Deft. undertakes to prove the same, exhibiting by declaration of Willem Wilkens, that Jacob Teunissen has said, he was free of Lourens and may hire with any one-Item. by declaration of two persons, that Jacob acknowledged, he had hired with Anthony as servant, but that he should not remain as he got no earnest money. Whilst deft., Antony Jansen, offered to prove, that he, Jacob Teunissen, had hired for a year, the Court granted him until the next Court day to prove how he hired him.
Jacob Steendam, pltf. v/s Solomon La Scheer, deft. Deft. in default.
Warnaer Wessels, pltf. v/s David Frere, deft. Pltf. in default.
On the petition presented in Court by David Frere, relative to the judgment against Adriaen Keyser, is endorsed— The Court, having seen the presented insinuation, order Adriaen Keyser to pay David Frere within twice 24 hours pursuant to judgment dated 7th February last, on pain, in case of default, that the goods in pawn for the payment, shall without any delay or exception be publicly sold to the highest bidder.
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François Fyn, pltf. v/s Adriaen Keyser, deft. Both in default.
Pieter Jansen, pltf. v/s Huybert Jansen Stoerk, deft. Pltf. demands payment of balance of a/c of fl. 30 for rent of a house in Gravesend, and some brandy according to a/c. Deft. says, the house was not delivered as it was hired, showing by declaration of three divers persons the unfitness of the house and how it was hired. Pltf. objects to the evidence, inasmuch as they were not present at the agreement; undertakes to prove the contrary. Parties being heard, the Court order, that deft. shall have the evidence collated and sworn to at Gravesend and that pltf. according to his proposal shall prove, how he agreed, by the next Court day.
Dirck Claessen Pottebacker, pltf. v/s Dirck Holgersen, deft. Pltf's wife appeared in Court says, that she has missed a canoe, which she purchased from Pieter Vander Linde and after seeking for it every where finally found it before deft's house and land, who refused the same to her, notwithstanding reasonable salvage was offered. Requests the Court to condemn him to deliver it. Deft. says a certain canoo was brought by some Englishmen on his land, and as the same lay a long time there without a person coming after it, he found, that it was very much out of repair. He repaired and rebuilt it. Offers to give it up to the pltf. on condition, that she will pay him for the repairs, wages and salvage. Parties being heard, the Court referred the parties to Lambert Huybertsen Mol, and Cornelis Jansen Clopper to value the labor and repair expended on the canoe, and if possible to reconcile the parties, or to report to the Board.
Andries vander Sluys, pltf. v/s Jacob Eldertsen, deft. Deft. in default.
Michel Paulusen, pltf. v/s Arent Callebuys, deft. Pltf. in default. Deft. appears in Court complaining, that pltf. has arrested his money in the hands of Jacob Haey and as he has not come to prosecute the same, requests that said arrest be declared invalid. The Court declares the arrest invalid, since pltf. has not followed up the same.
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Ide Van Vorst, pltf. v/s Frans Jansen, Carpenter. Deft. in default.
Endorsement on the petition of Harmen van Hooboocken, Schoolmaster. The Schout having exhibited, in conformity to instructions from the Honble Director General and Council, the request of the Schoolmaster, Harmen van Hooboocken, in Court, they endorse—Said Schoolmaster shall communicate to the Burgomasters and Schepens, what he is allowed for each child per quarter, pursuant to instructions from the General and Council, which being done, further order shall be taken on petitioner's request.
Maria Verleth appeared in Court answering in writing the demands made by Cornelis Schutt, who replying thereunto as by the tenor thereof exhibited in Court does appear, the Court orders, that Mary Verleth shall be furnished with copy of the reply and Com Schutt of the answer to make use of the same at the next Court day.
Joost Teunissen, baker, appears in Court of the Burgomasters and Schepens prosecuting the arrest issued against the property of Mr. Mahew, English merchant, in the hands of Thomas Hall. Requesting, that the arrest shall be declared valid by virtue of an obligation dated 28th October 1655 for the sum of fl. 730. The Court having seen the aforesaid obligation declares the aforesaid arrest, provisionally, valid.
Joost van Beeck appeared in Court, exhibiting judgment against Cornelis Jansen Coele and requests, as he has thereupon arrested Cornelis Jansen, on bis departure, that he be authorized to put the said C. J. Coele in prison, giving security for costs.
Endorsement:—At the request of Joost van Beeck made to the Court, relative to the execution of the aforesaid sentence, the Court decided, that said judgment shall have its full effect, and accordingly consented, on request of pltf., that he imprison the aforesaid Cornelis Jansen Coele, on securing the costs.
At the request of Capt. Fyn relative to the judgment against Luycas Eldertsen, endorsed— The Bailiff is empowered and authorized to execute according as the same ought to be.
Regarding Nicolaes Verleth's petition:— The Court persists in its last order issued on the 7 Feb.
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Dorothy Lock, an Irish girl, appeared in Court complaining that Mr. Isaac Allerton had beaten her as appears by the marks, because Jonathan Kammentie, Allerton's servant, had carnal conversation with her, saying she was now about six weeks with child from him; requesting, that she be permitted to marry said Jonathan and that Allerton may allow it. She is promised her freedom from her master, Jan Coort. The Court decides, that Dorothy may summon Mr. Allerton and meanwhile the Officer shall investigate the matter.
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