Document: Proclamation | Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the survey of building lines in New Amsterdam

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|Extract |From the register of resolutions of Director General and Council; appointing Poulus Leendersen van der Grift and Pieter Wolphertsen as orphan masters; at the request of Burgomasters and Schepenen [not included on website]

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[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_514 top half, NAHC]

Whereas the Honble Director General and Council have been pleased to refer to the Burgomasters of this City the laying out the lots, which are this year surveyed within this City, and their Honors have resolved the said survey shall be followed; the Burgomasters aforesaid make known hereby to all the inhabitants of the aforesaid City of Amsterdam, if any one considers be has any interest therein, touching their gardens or lots, that they shall, within the period of eight days after the publication and affixing hereof, communicate such interest at the Secretary's office of this City, so that the Burgomasters may estimate each person's interest according to circumstances, and the same being done every one who intends to build, is to be granted lots according to regulations to be then fixed thereon. Thus done and published from the City Hall of this City of Amsterdam in N. Netherland. Done this 26th February 1656.

[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_514 bottom half, NAHC]

The Burgomasters of this City of Amsterdam in New Netherland find that many in this City take little care of fire and chimney cleaning, whereby fire in many instances has been caused and hereafter more danger of fire is incurred, especially as the greater part of the houses are built of wood, some covered with reed, with wooden and clapboarded chimneys, which is very dangerous—To prevent which as much as possible, we have with the approbation of the Honble Director General and Council of New Netherland appointed as Fire Inspectors Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, Govert Loockermans and Christian Barentsen who are hereby authorized, pursuant to the placards of the Director General and Council heretofore published, to visit when it pleases them all the houses and chimneys within the jurisdiction of this City, and to make such orders for the prevention of fire therein and cause the same to be executed, as they shall find necessary, according to the placards aforesaid and customs of our Fatherland. Thus done and enacted in the Court at the City Hall of this City and published this 26th February 1656. at Amsterdam in New Netherland.




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