Document: Court Case | Ide Cornelissen v. Frans Janssen van Hoochten; default

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|Court Case |Ide Cornelissen v. Frans Janssen van Hoochten; default|Court Case |Albert Trompetter v. Jan Willemsen Iselstijn; attorney of Lubbert van Dincklagen; demand for payment of debt for consumptions; oath taken; ordered to pay|Court Case |Jan Willemssen Iselstyn; attorney of Lubbert van Dincklagen; v. Harmen Douwesen; claim on sheep with increase; proof required|Court Case |Skipper Symon Claessen v. Tomas Hall; demand for payment of debt for costs; damages and interest; disputed; copy granted|Court Case |Pieter Janssen v. Huybert Janssen Stock; dispute over house rent; copies ordered

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[Text from NYC-RNA_v1_bk4_517 thru middle of 521. Presented here for continuity.  NAHC]

Monday, 28th February 1656. In the City Hall. Present the Worshipful. Heeren Cornelis van Tienhoven, Oloff Stevensen, Allard Anthony, Johannes Verbrugge, Jacob Strycker, Jan Vinje, Willem Beeckman, and Hendrick Kip.

Marretie Jans, pltf. v/s Maghteltie, wife of Dom Megapolensis, deft. Pltf. says that deft. sent for her to give her some money, which she had earned from her, and that she then told her, at her house, that she stole and took 1½ beaver and some lace from her premises. Requests of the Court, that deft. shall prove the same, or grant her an act contradicting the same, so that she may remain uncensured, like an honest girl, who must earn her livelihood, etc. Cornelis van Ruyven as attorney for deft. his mother [in law], denies that mother had so spoken to her, but that the Negress, Palasse, had so spoken of her in presence of deft. Requests that pltf. shall prove, that she had lost her character, or otherwise acknowledge that she has lied. The Court orders, that deft. shall be granted copy of the demand.

Jacobus Backer, pltf. v/s Catrina d' Silla, deft. Deft. appeared in Court with the Heer Silla and as pltf. is absent, only default was decreed. Warnaer Wessels (in quality as Farmer of Excise of Wine and Beer) pltf. v/s David Frere, a Jew, deft. Pltf. entering his demand in writing, deft. requests copy thereof to answer thereunto at the next Court day. Which request of deft. is consented to.

Jacob Cohin, pltf. v/s Pieter Monfoort, deft. Pltf. says, that he has hired a certain canoe about 2 @ 3 months ago to one Pieter Jansen; the said canoe was taken away and he found it with deft. and arrested it here. Requests, that the arrest be declared valid and deft. condemned to allow him to retain the canoe. Deft. denies, that it is pltf's canoe, saying that after the truce with the Indians he bought said canoe from them and paid for it. Requests that witnesses may he heard thereupon. Jan Marten and Pieter Jansen appeared in Court and declare that deft. Pieter Monfoort purchased the said canoe which pltf. had here seized, from the Indians in their presence, just after the truce with the savages, in the last of October and that the same has been always since that time used by Pieter Monfoort; but refuse to confirm the same by oath. Therefore the Court orders pltf., Jacob Cohin, to prove by next Court day, that it is his canoe. In the meantime the arrest on the canoe is declared valid.
[End 517]


[Begin 518]

Andries Vander Sluys, pltf. v/s Jacob Eldertsen, deft. Deft's 2 default. Pltf. making a claim for rent is ordered to issue another summons.

Paulus Schrick, pltf. v/s Sara Joris, deft. Pltf. demands payment of a note fl. 84.5. signed by her deceased husband in April 1651. Deft. says, she knows nothing of the debt inasmuch as pltf. has not spoken to her for a long time; also that it was not counted in the settlement of the deceased's estate. Requesting delay for the payment until next harvest. Pltf. says on account of this inconvenience, that he is content with that. Therefore the Court condemns deft. then to pay pltf. or his order.

Jacob Steendam, pltf. v/s Solomon La Scheer, deft. Deft's 2 default. Pltf. demands payment of a quarter's rent, being about 39 gl., which deft. refuses to fulfill. The Court decrees, on the 2 default, that deft. shall deposit with the Secretary the demanded sum.

Michel Paulusen, pltf. v/s Arent Callebuys, deft. Pltf's wife appearing in Court and prosecuting the arrest, served on Jacob Haey, demands of deft. payment of fl. 33. balance of a/c for board and incurred expenses. Deft. acknowledges to owe only fl. 22. Offers to pay pltf. the balance as proved or declared to be fairly belonging to her. Pltf. undertakes to prove the same. Parties being heard, the Court orders pltf. to lift the fl. 22., which the deft. acknowledges to owe, and that the remainder of the money shall remain arrested until the next Court day, when pltf. shall prove, or swear to her claim.

Tryntie van Hengelen, pltf. v/s Jannetie Melyns, deft. Pltf. demands, that deft. shall account to and settle with her for what belongs to her. Cornelia Schellinger, as security and attorney for deft., her mother, answers that the mother has not the acct. here, but at the North. Requests delay until her return, being shortly. The Court grants deft. her request.

Maria Geraerdy, pltf. v/s Harmen Douwessen, deft. Pltf. demands payment of fl. 53. Deft. acknowledges the debt. Offers to pay. Was, therefore, condemned to pay the pltf.

Nicolaes Barnar, pltf. v/s Jan Martyn, deft. Both in default.

[End 518]


[Begin 519]

Jacob Schellinger, pltf. v/s Annetie Smith, deft. Pltf's wife appears in Court demanding payment of a balance of fl. 68. Deft. pleads offset, which is at her farm. Requests time to the next Court day. Promises to pay what is due to pltf. The Court grants deft., according to her request, time until the next Court day to produce her a/c, on pain of being deprived of her right.

Jacob Schellinger, pltf. v/s Tryntie Heymans, deft. Deft. in default.

Jacob Schellinger, pltf. v/s Tryntie van Hengelen, deft. Pltf's wife appeared; requests, as on the last Court day, payment of fl. 22. Deft. answers as before: denies having received any goods from the deceased and demands proof. Pltf. says, on the other hand, she has no proof. The Court continues the order aforementioned, that pltf. shall prove, deft. has assumed to be heir of, or received any goods from the deceased.

Master* Jacob Vervanger, pltf. v/s Fop Jansen Outhout, deft. In case of arrest. Deft. in default. Pltf. appears in Court giving in writing reasons of the imposed arrest, and requests, that the Court will be pleased to declare the arrest good, being for payment of fl. 144 in Holland. Whereon was endorsed— Fop Jansen being hereupon summoned to the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens is in default. Therefore the arrest is declared valid, and pltf. ordered to summon the abovenamed Fop thereon for the next Court day, and if he continue in default, pltf. is authorized to imprison deft.

*Title given to surgeons.

Cornelia Schellinger, pltf. v/s Adriaen Keyser, deft. Pltf. demands, as on 17th of last January, payment of fl. 30. 2: Deft. acknowledges the debt as before. And whereas the deft. remains in default, on the order of 17 January aforesaid, to shew, that Jannetie Melyn had accepted to meet the abovementioned fl. 30. 2. the Court condemns deft. Adriaen Keyser to pay pltf. within 8 days.

Pieter Cornelissen Clyn, pltf. v/s Egbert van Borsum, deft. Deft. in default.

Adriaen Keyser, pltf. v/s Jacob Haey, deft. Deft. in default.

[End 519]

[Begin 520]

Ide Cornelissen, pltf. v/s Frans Jansen; an Hoochten, deft. Pltf. in default. Jan Evertsen Bout, appeared for pltf. rendering demand. Deft. excepts. Says he now has nothing to do with Jan Evertsen. Default was therefore granted.

Albert Trumpetter, pltf. v/s Lubbert van Dincklage, deft. Pltf's wife appeared in Court demanding payment of fl. 60.4 for incurred expenses, according to her notice. Jan Willemsen Iselstyn, as attorney for deft. Lubbert van Dinclagen, offers to pay the pltf. if she verify her claim on oath. Pltf. being thereon heard, offers to declare on oath, that the aforesaid fl. 60. 4. honestly belongs to her. Therefore the Court condemns the deft. or Jan van Leyden as his attorney, to pay the abovementioned fl. 60. 4 and that within 8 days.

Jan Willemsen Iselstyn as attorney of Lubbert van Dincklagen, pltf. v/s Harmen Douwesen, deft. Relative to certain sheep with the increase thereof, together with 31 lbs. twisted tobacco @ 6 stivers per lb. And whereas the Court wish to have further light on the case, before they dispose thereof, it is ordered that Jan van Leyden shall appear with his principal by the next Court day.

Skipper Symon Claessen, pltf. v/s Thomas Hall, deft. Pltf. rendering his demand in writing, being for payment of fl. 448. 8 with costs, damages and interest thereon according to vouchers exhibited. Deft. acknowledges the debt, says that only fl. 150 are in dispute, which Johannes van Twiller has accepted to pay the skipper. The Court orders, that copy of the written demand be granted to deft. to answer thereunto in writing by the next Court day.

The case in dispute between Pieter Jansen and Huybert Jansen Stoeck relative to rent, and the writings and proofs produced by parties being examined, the Court have ordered parties to bring in their accounts and claims in writing, on both sides, by the next Court day, when disposition shall be made thereof.

[End 520]

[Begin 521]

Maria Verleth and Cornelis Schut appeared in Court each rendering in writing their request relative to the matter in dispute between them, whereon was endorsed— Ordered by the Court, that parties shall mutually receive copies of each others papers, to make use of the same at the next Court day.

Anthony Jansen and Jacob Teunissen appeared in Court relative to the difference, pursuant to order of last Court day; and whereas Antony Jansen has not exhibited sufficient proof, according to his last offer, it is ordered as follows:—The Court of the City of Amsterdam in N. Neth orders, that Anthony Jansen shall prove by contract or witnesses, that he hired Jacob Teunissen, according to his statement, for one year for the sum of fl. 150, 2 prs shoes and free washing.

[Ends in middle of 521]

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