Document: Request | Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council for regulations regarding the Native Americans

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|Request |Burgomasters and Schepenen to Director General and Council for regulations regarding the Native Americans

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To the Honble Director General and Councillors of N. Netherland. The Burgomasters of this City of Amsterdam in New Netherland represent, with all due respect, how our nation has daily witnessed with deep regret and reproach the insolence which the Indians commit within this City by getting drunk etc., which cannot be prevented unless you imitate the custom of our neighbours of N. England and Virginia, who at divers times (as we here on the 15th of last September) have experienced great massacres under the guise of friendship, permitting them to come as friends into their houses and villages, whereby hundreds have been killed unawares and without cause, by the Barbarians.

We request respectfully, for the public welfare and better security of this City, that your Honors would be pleased to renew the Placard made against the drunkenness of the savages, as well as to cause it to be executed against those, who sell brandy here to the Indians. Also that you may enact that, henceforth, no Indians shall come into this City to sell their goods except at one place to be designated by you, unless they be Ambassadors from Chiefs; also that no burghers or outside people shall receive them in their houses or lodge them at night on severe penalty to be enacted by you, which being done, we trust that these treacherous and faithless heathens (who in the most profound season of peace have unexpectedly inflicted the greatest injuries on us and our neighbours, by murders and robbery) may be frustrated in any designs they may practise as heretofore, and in case the ordinary indulgence fail them, our nation shall dwell in more security, provided always good guard be kept especially on Sundays during Divine Service. Requesting that your Honors take this into consideration and grant us an answer on the margin hereof.

Was subscribed by the Burgomasters

Oloff Stevensen, Allard Antony.

Done this 3 March 1656. at Amsterdam in N: Netherland.


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