Document: Court Case | Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Cornelis Aersen; Ide van Vorst; and their servants; demand for fine for horse and cart racing after evening service; acknowledged; but ignorance pleaded; fined

Holding Institution
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|Court Case |Schout Nicasius de Sille v. Cornelis Aersen; Ide van Vorst; and their servants; demand for fine for horse and cart racing after evening service; acknowledged; but ignorance pleaded; fined|Court Case |Walewijn van der Veen v. Allard Anthonij; copy delivered; reply postponed|Appearance |Rijnier Wisselpenningh in his suit with Pieter Janssen; debt acknowledged; requests delay; previous judgment upheld|Appearance |Fredrick Lubberssen; complaining about a debt for the sale of a horse to Jacob van Couwenhoven; requesting payment or return of the horse; Van Couwenhoven to be summoned

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