Document: Minutes,Affidavit: Request of Jacob Kip for salary for carrying out the office of receiver of the excise on slaughtered cattle , referred to Director General and Council

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|Apostil |Request of Jacob Kip for salary for carrying out the office of receiver of the excise on slaughtered cattle; referred to Director General and Council|Apostil |Request of Nicolaes de Meijer for conveyance of a house purchased of Jacob van Couwenhoven; granted|Request |Lourens Cornelissen van der Wel for permission to use ungauged barrels; granted|Depositions|Depositions by Jan Hibou cleermaker; Jan Adamssen; Cristiaen de sargant; and Bassin de neger; in the matter of slander of Mrs. Beeckman; torture of Jan Adamssen allowed

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