Document: Minutes|Court|

Holding Institution
Document ID

|Minutes|Court||Minutes|Case|Nicasius de Sille and Pieter Tonneman; presenting a request on behalf of Petrus Stuyvesant |Request|Petrus Stuijvesant for the patent and conveyance to him of certain lots granted to Jan Pietersen and conveyed to Tomas Baxter; bankrupt and fugitive |Minutes|Case|Nicasius de Sille and Pieter Tonneman as to the measuring of the lots granted to Jan Pietersen and conveyed to Tomas Baxter; bankrupt and fugitive; for which Petrus Stuijvesant requests the patent and conveyance |Minutes|Case|Burgomasters and Schepenen to the request of Petrus Stuijvesant for the patent and conveyance to him of certain lots granted to Jan Pietersen and conveyed to Tomas Baxter; bankrupt and fugitive; granted

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