Document: Order|Arien Sijmonsen to deliver up the obligation he received from Eghbert van Borsum

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|OrderRequest|Sijmon Janzen Romein for execution of the judgment against Tomas Janssen Mingael: granted|Affidavit|Request of Mattheus de Vos: substitute of Reijnier Rijcke: attorney of Aarnout Baillij for an order to Salomon La Chair to deposit an account: granted|Declaration |Salomon La Chair as to why he had not submitted an account of the goods of Arnout Baillij|Minutes|Case|Geertje Teunis: wife of Cors Jansen: and Lambert Barensen v. Leentje Dircks: demand for payment of debt for gown: disputed: proof required

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To Party 1
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Arien Sijmonsen
From Party 1
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