Document: Minutes|Case|Pieter van Couwenhoven and Jan van Gelder: curators of the estate of Pieter Janzen metselaar: v. Anneken Kockx: demand for payment of debt according to account book: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators

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Minutes|Case|Pieter van Couwenhoven and Jan van Gelder: curators of the estate of Pieter Janzen metselaar: v. Anneken Kockx: demand for payment of debt according to account book: counter-claim: referred to arbitrators|Minutes|Case|Jan Craffoort and Nicolaas Maltomer v. Tomas Bruijver: demand for payment of monthly wages on a ship: promise to pay: ordered to pay|Minutes|Case|Jan Vigne and Pieter Stoutenburgh: curators of the estate of Raghel van Tienhoven: v. Seletje Jans: widow of Hendrick van der Walle: request for arrest on goods of Seletje Jans to be declared valid: disputed: ordered to vacate the house: arrest valid

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