Document: Affidavit|Request of Lauwerens de Sille for an order to the curators of the estate of Gabriel de Haas to produce papers: granted

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Affidavit|Request of Lauwerens de Sille for an order to the curators of the estate of Gabriel de Haas to produce papers: granted|Order |Curators of the estate of Gabriel de Haas to produce papers in their suit with Lauwerens de Sille|Request |Asser Levij to be informed how to proceed against Aucke Jans: another legal order to be sent: arrest of monies of Jans in the hands of Jan Brouwer declared valid|Request |Sijmon Janzen Romein: attorney of Joannes Withart and Jacob Vis: for the appointment of arbitrators in the issue of black amber: granted|Declaration |Intention of schout, Burgomasters and Schepenen to obey the ordinance respecting absences and late arrivals

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