Document: Ordinance|Director General and Council against sheltering and harboring fugitives

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Ordinance|Director General and Council against sheltering and harboring fugitives

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WHEREAS the Director General and Council daily see and notice, that some inhabitants of New Netherland harbor and entertain in their houses and dwellings the servants of the Honble Company and other servants,. when they have run away from their masters, also those, who come from our neighbors, which causes, that many laborers, doing their duties unwillingly, are given the means and have the road opened to run away, which. is done every day,—Therefore to prevent this as much as possible, the Director General and Council advise and warn everybody, not to entertain or lodge any servant of either the company or private parties, living here or elsewhere, for longer than 24 hours. If anybody is found to have acted contrary hereto, he shall pay a fine of 150 fl., to be given to him, who gives the notice. Done at the meeting, October 6, 1648, present the Honble General, L. van Dincklagen, B. Nuton and Poulus Leendersen.


The Records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 Anno Domini, Volume I Minutes of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens 1653-1655, Translations by Edmund O'Callaghan,  Edited by Berthold Fernow,  1897, Published under the authority of the City of New York by the Knickerbocker Press

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