Document: Ordinance|Burgomasters and Schepenen concerning weights and measures

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Ordinance|Burgomasters and Schepenen concerning weights and measures

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"The Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens of this City of Amsterdam in New Netherland have thought it to be highly necessary, that agreeably to the laudable customs of our Fatherland the measuring and gauging of cans, weights, ells and schepels be regulated, so that no questions and troubles might arise from it and especially that everybody may be treated alike. Therefore everybody, who uses such measures and weights in his business for receiving or delivering wares, is hereby informed, that he must come with them to the City Hall on the morning of the last of August, where the Committee of this Court will sit from 9 to 11 o.c. A. M. and 2 to 5 o.c. P.M. to mark the measures and weights brought, for which marking there is to be paid into the City treasury

for each schepel.................15 stivers

for each ell.....................20 stivers

for each can, large or small......6 stivers

for each weight from 1 to 10 lbs..3 stivers

for each 10 to 20 lbs.............5 stivers

for each 20 to 50 lbs.............8 stivers

for each over 50 lbs............ 10 stivers

And if after the expiration of the said time someone is found, who uses for receiving or delivering an unstamped ell, weight, schepel or can, he shall be fined Io fl. the first time, 20 fl. the second and twice as much the third with the closing of his shop. The Honble Schout is hereby directed and authorized, to see that this ordinance is strictly observed and obeyed and whenever he thinks it proper to make visits of inspection and carry it out.

Thus done etc., August 27, 1658.


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