Document: Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters

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Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |List|Authority|Jan Janzen Brestee to have the court messenger forbid Dirck Wessels to carry out his trade until he has satisfied
Brestee |Request|Jan Maindersen to be granted the small burgher right |Authority|Paulus Leenderzen van der Grift and Pieter Wolferzen van Couwenhoven to act as arbitrators in the issue between Augustijn Heermans and Jan Andriesen de Graaf and Gijsbert van Laan |Appearance|Dirck Wessels: offering to pay for his burgher right |Order|To Dirck Wessels to settle with Jan Jansen van Brestee |Notice|Skippers of ships currently in the roadstead to pay pier money

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