Document: Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters

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Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |List||Order|To the secretary to issue a writ to the fire wardens to complete the fire equipment: to draft a request regarding the conveyance of real estate: and to furnish the schout with an authorization to notify Nicolaes Velthuijsen to deliver an inventory of the belongings of his wife to the orphan masters |Request|Salomon La Chair to have some persons questioned on interrogations: referred to Burgomasters and Schepenen |Authority|Schout Nicasius de Sille to notify Nicolaes Velthuijsen to deliver an inventory of the belongings of his wife to the orphan masters |Request|Director General and Council: regarding the fees for conveyances of real estate and the proceeds of the weigh house |Affidavit|On the request to Director General and Council: regarding the fees for conveyances of real estate and the proceeds of the weigh house: fees on conveyances set: reply of Directors on proceeds of the weigh house to be awaited

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