Document: Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters

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Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |List|Affidavit|On the request of Roelof Swartwout: referred to Director General and Council |Affidavit|On the request of Augustijn Heermans as to his garden: ordered to settle with Allard Anthonij first |Authority|Hendrick Janzen van der Vin and Jacob Kip to regulate matters according to order of 4 July 1659 |Minutes|Case|Anneken van Ruttenberg v. Trijntje van Haarlem: demand for reparation of honor after slander with reference to Amsterdam spinhouse: disputed: reconciliation failed: sentenced to amende honorable and fine |Affidavit|On the request of assistant jailor Pieter Hendrickzen for a salary: provisionally granted |Meeting|Administrative meeting of the Burgomasters |List|Declaration|Declaration of Abraham Verplanck as to his ignorance of merchandize of his wife in the hands of Mr. Balthus |Affidavit|On the request of Simon Turck for an order to Willem Pietersen regarding a mortgage: referred to meeting of Burgomasters and Schepenen |Appointment|Two new members of the rattle watch ||Notice|Director General calling for volunteers in the war against the Native Americans

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