Lot: George Youle Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

George Youle Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

(Spring Valley) Block Check List. 1348-1371-1345-1364.

The early history, from the grant to David Du Four, will be found in the introduction to the Edmund Seaman Farm.

David Devore, fourth of that name, was born in 1717; married Mary Van Vleckeren in 1740. — Riker, Hist, of Harlem, 461. He succeeded to the farm in May, 1760. The following mortgage is printed because of its recitals of sales on the north and south.

David Devore Farmer to John Brovort. Mortgage dated May 4, 1770. — Liber Mortgages, II: 408 (New York). Cons. £300.

Mortgages. "All that certain Messuage and Tenement and peice and parcel of Land, whereon the said John Brovort now lives, situate lying and being in the Out Ward of the City of New York bounded Southeasterly by the East River Northeasterly by the Land that the said David Devore lately sold to Timothy Hurst Northwesterly by the High Way or Post Road that leads to King's Bridge, and Southwesterly by Land formerly sold by the said David Devore to Mr Cornelius Clopper containing about ten or eleven Acres be the same more or less within the Bounds aforesaid."

David Devore died between May 30 and June 12, 1780. By his will he left his entire estate to his daughter Ann, after providing for an annuity to his wife. — Liber fVills, XJCXII: 260 (New York).

Ann Devore married, successively, Abraham Brevoort and Jacob Odell.

Jacob Odell and Anne his wife to Martin Hoffman. Deed dated Sept. 18, 1795. — Liber Deeds, LV: 115.

Conveys "All that . . . parcel of land in the outward ... on the road to Kingsbridge, between the 4 and 5 milstones. . . . Bounded northerly by land of Thomas Bu- The map of Spring Valley made by T. R. Ludlam, January,

chanan, easterly by the East River, southerly by land of 1835, 's not on file. There is a copy in Turtle. The original

Cornelius Clopper, Northwesterly by the Kingsbridge Road. map is owned by the Title Guarantee and Trust Co.

14 acres, more or less." The stone house which stands north of 54th St. about 250

The intervening title history which is long and complicated, ft. east of First Ave. is not the old house on the Randel Map.

will be found in Tuttle, Abstracts of Farm Titles, I: 151. Youle built it, after 1821, and before September 20, 1828,

The estate vested in George Youle, July 14, I'iii.— Liber when he died. It is shown on the Dripp atlas, 1868. By 1880,

Deeds, CLIII: 449-454 (New York). the atlas of that year shows that it had been demolished.