Anthony Colve for their High Mightinesses the Lords States-General of the United Netherlands, and his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, &c., Governor-General of New Netherland, together with the Council,
To all those who shall see these presents or hear them read, Greeting, make known:
Whereas, we are informed by the Schout and deputed Councillors of the respective towns situate at Aghter Coll, that between two of said towns, namely, Piscattaway and Woodbridge, a difference has arisen in regard to certain valleys in dispute between them, and that process has issued thereupon before the deputed Councillors aforesaid, who, in consequence of the small number of their Board, caused by the exclusion of the two Deputies from said interested towns, they cannot decide said case, requesting therefore that some persons may be added to their Board for the decision of said question; therefore the Governor-General and Council have resolved to add some persons to said Board, and to that end have appointed and qualified, do hereby appoint and qualify Mr. John Lawrence as President, Mr. Richard Betts, and Mr. James Hubbert, who are commissioned with the aforesaid Board of Schout and deputed Councillors, on a certain suitable day to be previously fixed by the Schout, to hold a session and Court within the jurisdiction of said deputed Councillors, and to debate, examine and decide the case in dispute between the abovenamed, according to law; and the parties in question, with their witnesses, and all others whom these may in any wise concern, are ordered and directed to acknowledge the abovementioned additional members and Councillors, or any four of them, as their lawful judges, being representatives of the Board of deputed Councillors of said Towns, and promptly to obey their orders. Done Fort Willem Hendrick, this l7th June, 1674.
On petition presented by Mr. Jonathan Silke, he is allowed to come into this government with his sloop and cargo. Dated as above.
On the petition of Mr. Nathaniel Davenpoort he is, in like manner, allowed and granted to come personally into and unmolested to depart from this city New Orange.
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