Deliver unto James Sanderlins one bull of Mr. Andrew Carrs and this shall be your discharge witnesse my hand.[2]
Opland 22ndOctober 1672
Received of Albert of Tinicum one Oxe belonging to Mr. Andrew Carr I say by me receaved this 19th of October 1672.
Capt. Carr hath received from mee on the Account of Mr. Andrew Carr the somme of three thousand six hundred pound of Tobacco I say received of mee
Sassafrax River in Baltimore County Marty10th 1672/3
On the backside of a Peticion from Jufrow Armigaert Prince was written thus vizt.
I do attest that Capt. John Carr is full procurator for Mr. Andrew Carr to answer all that shall bee demanded of him in his absence wittnesse my hand
Ick ondergescreven bekenne schuldigh te wesen aen Mr. Andris Carr volgens myn bill gedaen Vierteen hondert lb. goede leverbare toback. waer van twee Oxhovden van Capt. John Car [ blank ] syn ditt gedaen synde voor ondergeschreven getuygen inde[3]
A bill in dutch signed by Mons Andries of fourteen hundred lb. Tobacco that he is indebted to Mr. Andrew Carr
John Martiall received of mee Axell Stelle by the Order of Mr. John Carr eight hundred and fifty pounds of Tobacco and Cask which was due to Andrew Carr testifyed per me.
March the 11 1672
Deliver unto James Sanderlins one bull of Mr. Andrew Carrs and this shall be your discharche wittnes my hand
Opland 22nd October 1672
17th of October 1672
being present Capt. John Carr Mr. Peter Aldricks Bayleffe William Tom Mr. Hans Block The Sherriffe being present itt was ordered that Capt. Cantwell bee payed the somme of nyne hundred seaventy and three guilders eleeven stivers which he has disbursed for the publick out of the publicke [ ] [5] for Carriages and publick worke.
vera copia
283-10 paid Mrs. Cousturier for the duffells given by Coll. Lovelace by C. Cantwell.
[ Verso: ] 6417 paid by Capt. Cantwell hee to bee paid by the Gov. at Delaware.
[ Endorsed: ] An Order for Payment of 973 Guilders 11 Stivers to Capt. Cantwell, for what hee disburst. 17th October 1672.
Capt. Carr hath received from mee one the account of Mr. Andrew Carr the somme of three thousand six hundred pound of Tobac[ ] I say received of mee:
[ Verso: ]
I the undersigned acknowledge to be indebted to Mr. Andris Carr, done according to my bill, for fourteen hundred lbs. of good marketable tobacco of which two hozsheads were from Captain Jan Car. This having been done before the undersigned witnesses in the province of Maryland. The 10th day of March 1672/3.
John Martiall received of me Axell Stelle by the order of Mr. John Carr eight hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco and Cask which was dew to Andrew Carr testified per me March the 11 1672
John Carr
John Carr
John Gilbert
Will Tom
Andies Pietersen
Jan Boyer
Axell Stelle
John Carr
Will. Tom
John Gilbert
Andris Pitersen
Mons Andrisen
Jan Boeyer
Axell Stille
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. British Delaware River Settlement Administrative Records, 1664-1682. Series A1879. Volume 20.