Document: Actions of debt; attachment issued against the property and debts of Harmen Jacobsen Bamboes

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(link is external)New York State Archives
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Actions of debt. Attachment issued against the property and debts of Harmen Jacobsen Bamboes aforesaid, at the suit of Rutger Jacobsen.

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Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeJuly 10, 1657

President, Johannes LamontagnePhilip PietersenAbraham StaetsAdriaen GerritsenMagistrates

Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Foppe Barentsen, defendant.

Willem Hoffmeyer, plaintiff, against2nd Default. Jochim Wesselsen, defendant.

Jacob Tijssen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan Gouw, defendant.

Daniel Rinckhout, plaintiff, againstDefault. Leendert Philipsen, defendant.

Claes Gerritsen, plaintiff, against2nd Default. Jan Darech, defendant.

Teuwes Abrahamsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan Gouw, defendant.

Pieter Jacobsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Cornelis Vos, defendant.

Lourens Lourensen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Henderick Bierman, defendant.

Frans Cooninck, plaintiff, against2d Default. Huybert Janssen and Karsten de Noorman, defendants.

Jaques de Fransman, plaintiff, againstDefault. Pieter Stevensen, defendant.

Rutger Jacobsen, plaintiff, against Henderick Bierman, defendant.The plaintiff, stating that he sold his yacht to Harmen Jacobsen, who is now absent, requests that the excise due by the defendant, of which he [ Harmen ] is the farmer, and furthermore all other means of the said Harmen Jacobsen in the hands of the defendant, be attached for the benefit of the plaintiff.The defendant agrees and promises to render an account of all the property of Harmen Jacobsen which is in his hands.The court enjoins the defendant from letting any property of Harmen Jacobsen go out of his hands and from paying out any money, except by order of the court.

Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, against Kit Davidtsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of ƒ172:16:- in beavers.The defendant admits that he owed the plaintiff the aforesaid sum, but maintains that in payment he assigned to him a note for ƒ152:- due to him by Cornelis Slecht, which the plaintiff accepted, and offers to pay the balance of ƒ20:16.The court, having heard the parties, orders the plaintiff to be satisfied with the note given to him for the sum of ƒ152:-, which he accepted, provided that the defendant pay him ƒ20:16.

Volckert Janssen, plaintiff, against Cornelis Teunissen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of ƒ852:1 5 for which the defendant is surety.The defendant acknowledges his obligation as surety and asks for extension of time of payment.The court orders the defendant to pay within the space of six weeks.

Translation Superscripts

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York. (link is external)  

Translation link see: (link is external)

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the (link is external)Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
(link is external)New Netherland Institute website.

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