Document: Actions for debt and for slander; sentence of Jannetje, wife of Evert the baker

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Actions for debt and for slander; sentence of Jannetje, wife of Evert the baker, for violation of the ordinances of the city of Amsterdam, fol. 162; to beg pardon of God and the court, in presence of the latter; to lock up her store for six weeks; to pay a fine of 250 guilders, with costs, and to remain in prison until judgment be satisfied.

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Extraordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeMay 25, 1660


La MontagneAnderies HerpertsenSander LeendersenJan VerbeeckRutger JacobsenFrans BaerentsenEvert Jansen Wendel

Volkert Jansen, plaintiff, against Cornelis Vosch, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment by the defendant of eighty-five guilders, ten stivers, for beer received.The defendant admits the debt, but says that he has a claim against the plaintiff’s partner.The plaintiff replies that the alleged claim has no connection with the present action and that the defendant must therefore address himself to his partner.The court condemns the defendant to pay the required sum according to his promise to the plaintiff within the space of one month and meanwhile to address himself to the aforesaid partner.

Philip Hendricksen, plaintiff, against Itien Adriaensen,[1] defendant.The plaintiff demands reparation of honor as heretofore on the 27th of April last, on account of abusive language, to wit, because the defendant called the plaintiff a thief and accused him of having stolen maize.The court adjourns the case to the next court day.

Idem plaintiff, against Baerent Meyndersen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of eighty-four guilders for beer received.The court condemns the defendant to pay the sum demanded within the period of six weeks.

Itien Adriaensen, plaintiff, against Elsien Hendricksen,[2] defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant called her a whore and demands reparation of honor.The parties having been heard, the court refers them to the next court day to bring in their evidence.

Elsjen Tierx, plaintiff, against Annetie van Geringen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant called her a whore and produces a deposition of three witnesses.The defendant denies that she said it, but says that the plaintiff called her a whore.The court orders the defendant to bring further evidence on the next court day.

Philip Hendricksen, plaintiff, against Harmen Metselaer, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of fifty-eight guilders, 2 stivers for beer received.The defendant's wife, appearing, admits the debt and produces a counterclaim of three and one-half beavers for wages.The honorable court, having heard the parties, order them to settle with each other.

Jacobus Jansen, plaintiff, against Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of sixty-four guilders, 6 stivers.The defendant admits the debt.The court refers the parties to the previous judgment of the 20th of April last.

Willem Teller, plaintiff, against Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment by the defendant of three beavers.The defendant admits the debt.The court refers the parties to the previous judgment.

Jurriaen Theunesen, plaintiff, against1st default. Daniel Rinckhoudt, defendant.

Daniel Rinckhoudt, plaintiff, against1st default. Pieter Jacobsen Bosboom, defendant.

Arent van den Bergh, plaintiff, against2nd default. Hendrick Gerrtsen, defendant.

Claes van den Bergh, plaintiff, against the wife of Carsten Fred[ ericksen ], defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant bought linen from his wife against his will and without his knowledge.The defendant says that she could not know that the plaintiff’s wife sold it against the will and without the knowledge of her husband, but that she said that she did it because of need.The court, having heard the parties, condemn the defendant to return the claimed linen to the plaintiff, provided that the plaintiff return the money received.

Claes van den Bergh, plaintiff, against Poulus Martensen, defendant.The plaintiff demands from the defendant delivery and the key of his house in order to occupy the same.The honorable court orders the defendant to give the plaintiff possession of the aforesaid house, provided that the defendant pay as soon as the attachment by the plaintiff is vacated.

Asser Levi, plaintiff, against Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment for seven planks, for which he produces a promissory note and makes claim for all damages, losses, house rent, and board, which he suffered here during the period of one month.The court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff for the remaining seven planks. As to the alleged expenses, the parties are referred to two referees.

Andries de Vos, plaintiff, against Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff asks payment of the defendant for 46 planks.The defendant denies the debt.The honorable court orders the plaintiff to produce his evidence on the next court day according to his promise.

Harmen Bastiaensen, plaintiff, against Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of the defendant for 178 planks.The defendant denies the debt.The court orders the plaintiff to produce his evidence on the next court day.

Gillis Pietersen, plaintiff, against Baerent Meyndersen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of house rent and says that the defendant offered him ten beavers.The defendant denies that he made any contract of lease.The court refers the parties to referees.

The wife of Klaes Jansen[3], plaintiff, against Hans Coenraets, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment by the defendant of two beavers.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff the said beavers in cash.

The honorable court having read the proceedings at the request of the officer of Fort Orange and the village of Beverwijck against the person of Immetie, the wife of Evert de Backer, and by plurality of votes having adjudged the conclusion of the said officer well founded, that the said Immetie acted directly contrary to the ordinance contained in the statues of the city of Amsterdam, folio 162, they have therefore condemned, as they do condemn the said Immetie hereby, in view of the opposition and contempt of court shown by her, to appear before the court and to ask God and the court forgiveness, not to do any business for six weeks and to pay a fine of two hundred, fifty guilders, with the costs of the trial, and she is to remain in the fort until the payment of the judgment. Done in Fort Orange, the 25th day of May Anno 1660.

Gerrit Swardt, schout of the colony of Rensselaerswijck, enters an attachment against La Montagne for the sum of twenty-five guilders belonging to Jan Anderiesen de Graef.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Stijntie Adriaensen, the wife of Barent Meyndersen; see the April 27,1660, session.
[2]: Elsjen Tierx, wife of Philip Hendricksen
[3]: The name of his wife is unknown.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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