Document: Actions for debt

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Actions for debt.

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Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeJuly 13, 1660


La MontagneAndries HerpertsJan VerbeeckFrans BaerentsenEvert Wendel

Albert Gijsbertsen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Maria Goosens, defendant.The honorable court having seen that the defendant does not appear, orders the defendant to produce her evidence on the next court day on pain of being deprived of her right.

Cornelis Wijnkoop, plaintiff, against Pieter Jacobsen Bosboom, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of six beavers for a piece of oats sold to him and has attached the same amount by Daniel Rinckhout.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court declares the attachment valid.

Idem plaintiff, against2d default. Harmen Bastiaensen, defendant.

Jan van Eckelen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jacob Teunesen and Willem Brouwer, defendants.

Pieter Meesen, plaintiff, against Philip Hendricksen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant has taken over [ the obligation ] on the part of Gijsbert Philipsen, deceased, to pay the sum of twenty-three beavers.The defendant denies that he took over the debt, but says that he remained surety for Jan in Katskil[1].The honorable court orders the plaintiff to produce his evidence on the next court day.

Arendt vanden Bergh, plaintiff, against Hendrick Gerritsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of three beavers.The defendant, having failed to appear for the third time, is condemned by default by the honorable court to pay the plaintiff the beavers demanded.

Reynier Rijcken, plaintiff, against Willem Jansen Stol, defendant.The plaintiff as attorney for Wouter Hendricksen Schoonhooven, residing at Amsterdam in Holland, demands the sum of one hundred guilders in Holland money and, in addition, half the profit made with the said money and produces a promissory note to that effect.The defendant’s wife, appearing before the honorable court, says that she knows nothing of the said debt, but acknowledges that the note is in the hand[ writing ] of her deceased husband.The parties having been heard, the honorable court, seeing the defectiveness of the note and the exception taken by the defendant on account of her inability to pay, and the fact, as she says, that she received nothing from her husband, refer the parties to arbitrators to be chosen respectively with the consent of the plaintiff in order to settle the matter to the best of their knowledge.

Idem plaintiff, against Willem Martensen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of one hundred twenty-five guilders, seven stivers, in beavers, the same to be put on board free and without expense, and produces a promissory note thereof.The defendant admits the debt and offers to pay the same in Holland upon sufficient surety.The honorable court, having heard the parties, condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded in beavers within the space of eight days.

Goovert Loockermans, plaintiff, against Roelof Swardtwoudt, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of one hundred ninety guilders in beavers according to the bond and mortgage which he produces before the honorable court.The defendant admits the debt and requests delay.The honorable court, having heard the parties, orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded according to the bond within the space of eight days.

Dirck Jansen Croon, plaintiff, against Sander Leendersen, defendant.The plaintiff demands payment of seventy-five beavers and 30 beavers’ interest on the said sum.The defendant admits the debt and promises to pay as soon as possible.The honorable court condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded within the space of three weeks, on pain of attachment.

Idem plaintiff, againstDefault. Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.

Idem plaintiff, againstDefault. Jan Michielsen, defendant.

Willem Telier, plaintiff, againstDefault. Cornelis Theunesen and Jacob Tijsen, defendants.

Daniel Verveelen, plaintiff, against Lambert van Valckenburgh, defendant.The plaintiff [ demands ] of the defendant payment of twenty guilders in beavers.The defendant admits the debt.The court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded in beavers within the space of eight days.

Lambert van Valckenburch, plaintiff, against the wife of Evert de Backer, defendant.The plaintiff complains and says that the defendant, without their knowledge and in the absence of himself and his wife, has taken shirts, cravats, and other goods out of a chest, among other things two cravats that belonged to the plaintiff.The defendant admits having done it, but says that the goods belonged to Abraham Carpeyn.The court orders the defendant to restore the goods, the action of the officer being served.

Daniel Rinckhoudt, plaintiff, against the wife of Jan van Hoesem, defendant.

The plaintiff demands payment by the defendant of the sum of three hundred four guilders in beavers and three hundred seventy-five guilders in sewant.The defendant admits the debt, but says that she does not know how much.The honorable court orders the plaintiff to give the defendant an account.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: Jan Andriessen, the Irishman

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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