Document: Action of slander of Isaac de Haen against Jacob Tysen; complaint against Philip Hendricksen

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Action of slander. Isaac de Haen agst. Jacob Tysen, for charging him with having kept false books; fined 28 guilders. Complaint against Philip Hendricksen, for dangerously wounding Philip Visbeeck in the arm with a cutlass; put over.

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Jan van Eeckelen, plaintiff, againstJacobus Theunesen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of ƒ36:— for bread received, of which he received on account two schepels of wheat and one-half beaver.The defendant admits that he owes the plaintiff something, but not as much as the plaintiff claims, but only eighteen guilders, three stivers for white bread as well as coarse bread.The honorable court condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff in cash the acknowledged sum of ƒ18:3. As to the balance of the amount, the parties are referred to further evidence of accounts.

Extraordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeAugust 4, 1660


Sander LeendersenJan VerbeeckRutger JacobsenFrans BaerentsenEvert Wendel

Isaack de Haen, plaintiff, against Jacob Tijsen, defendant.The plaintiff says and complains that the defendant [ alleged that the plaintiff ] brought in a false account and kept book falsely. He produces affidavits of four witnesses and demands reparation of honor.The defendant admits having said that the plaintiff had rendered a false account, but not that he had spoken of false bookkeeping, and refers to the witnesses mentioned below.There appeared before the honorable court, Sijmon Jansen, Walraef Klaerhout, and Jan Hendricksen Bruyn, who declared at the request of Jacob Thijsen that they heard Jacob Thijsen say that the account, which the plaintiff had rendered to the defendant, was false, but that they did not hear him speak of false bookkeeping.The honorable court, having heard the parties and witnesses on both sides and also examined the account in question, and having found no mistake in the said account which the defendant could point out, find the defendant guilty of having rashly accused the plaintiff of fraudulent bookkeeping and therefore fine the defendant ƒ28 and forbid him, on pain of greater penalty, to repeat such accusations.

Johannes La Montagne, in his capacity as officer, plaintiff, against Philip Hendricksen, defendant.The plaintiff says that the defendant has committed great insolence in having during the night, in returning from guard duty, cut Gerrit Visbeeck with his cutlass in the arm, in such a way that the same was half off and lamed, as appears from the affidavits of three witnesses, which the plaintiff produces, as also from the report of Mr. Jacob, the surgeon, that the last three fingers are lame and that the patient is in danger from some symptoms, which might cause his death. He requests justice in the matter.The defendant admits the deed, but says that he was forced to it because he [ the plaintiff ] attempted to take his gun from him and undertakes to prove it.The honorable court adjourns the case to the next court day.

Translation Superscripts

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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