Document: Actions for debt

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Actions for debt.

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Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeOctober 16,1660


La Montagne Anderies Herpertsen Jan Verbeeck Frans Baerentsen Evert Wendel

Cornelis Wijnkoop, plaintiff, against Claes Ripsen, defendant.The plaintiff asks payment of the balance of the last payment for his house and lot.The defendant says that he has not had complete satisfaction as regards the lot, which lacks thirty inches in width.The honorable court, having heard the parties and the report of the referees chosen thereto by the parties and considering the slight difference, which amounts to not more than one beaver, orders the plaintiff to come down one beaver in the sum demanded and condemns the defendant to pay the balance in cash, each party to pay one-half of the costs.

Carsten Claesen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Cornelis Theunesen Bosch, defendant.

Pieter Gillesen, plaintiff, against Jacob Thijsen, defendant.The plaintiff, as attorney for Theunes Tempel, demands of the defendant payment of 7 beavers, heretofore in dispute, as is to be seen by the minutes of the previous court day, being the 7th of September 1660.The honorable court adjourns the case until the arrival of Theunes Tempel from patria.

Jan Anderiesen de Graef, plaintiff, against Theunes Cornelessen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of 15 good whole beavers, according to the promissory note.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the beavers demanded in cash.

Lourens Sachariassen, plaintiff, against Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff asks of the defendant payment of ƒ3 in sewant.The defendant admits the debt, but says that he paid to Lijsbet Thijsen on account of the plaintiff.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded in the space of 24 hours and to apply to Lijsbet Thijsen for recovery of the amount.

The curators of the estate of Harmen Jacobsen, deceased, plaintiffs, against Willem Boudt, defendant.The plaintiffs demand of the defendant payment of ƒ86:5 according to the book of Harmen Bamboes, deceased, arising from excise duty. They further sue for damages and interest.The defendant denies that he owes any excise money and undertakes to prove it, but admits that he owes the aforesaid Bamboes, deceased, a personal bill for grain.The court orders the defendant to prove on the next court day that he does not owe any excise money and also to give information in regard to the acknowledged bill for grain.

The curators of the estate of Harmen Jacobsen, deceased, against Femmetien Albers, defendant.The plaintiffs demand of the defendant payment of three hundred ninety-two guilders, six stivers.The defendant denies the debt and says that she paid Harmen Jacobsen, deceased.The court orders the defendant to prove her assertion on the next court day.

Idem plaintiffs, against

Translation Superscripts

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York. (link is external)  

Translation link see: (link is external)

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the (link is external)Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
(link is external)New Netherland Institute website.

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