Document: Actions for debt; Albert Gysbersen against Maria Goosens; Lyntje Adamsen against Engeltje Hendricksen

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Actions for debt. Albert Gysbersen agst. Maria Goosens, for having said that he had stolen a trunk with goods at the Manhattans; fined 6 guilders and costs. Lyntje Adamsen agst. Engeltje Hendricksen for calling her a bad name; fined $5 and costs.

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Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeDecember 21,1660


La MontagneAnderies HerpertsenRutger JacobsenFrans Baerentsen PastoorJan Ver BeeckEvert Jansen Wendel

The curators of Harmen Jacobsen, deceased, plaintiffs, against Adriaen Jansen van Leyden, defendant.The plaintiffs demand payment of ƒ15:15 for excise and five beavers for an anker of Spanish wine, according to the book of the said Harmen Jacobsen, deceased.The defendant denies the debt and says that he settled with and paid Harmen Jacobsen, deceased, and offers to declare the same under oath.The oath being taken by the defendant, the plaintiff’s request is dismissed.

Idem plaintiffs, againstDefault. Hendrick Gerritsen and Theunes Slingerland, defendants.

Idem plaintiffs, against Femmetien de Baxter, defendant.The plaintiffs demand of the defendant as above, according to the book of Harmen Bamboes, deceased, the sum of ƒ392:6:-.The defendant says that she completely settled with and paid Bamboes, deceased, with the rent of her house.The honorable court orders the defendant to present a detailed account on the next court day.

Idem plaintiffs, against Jochim Kitteleyn, defendant.The plaintiffs demand of the defendant payment of two hundred eighteen guilders, according to the book of Harmen Jacobsen, deceased.The defendant says that he paid all but about ƒ20.The honorable court orders the defendant to produce on the next court day a specified account of his payment.

Albert Gijsbersen, plaintiff, against Maria Goosens, defendant.The plaintiff demands reparation of honor for damages, to wit, because the defendant said that he had stolen a chest with goods at the Manhattans.The defendant denies that she said this and declares that she has nothing to say against the plaintiff’s honor or virtue, although the plaintiff called her a whore.The honorable court, having heard the parties and seeing that the defendant cannot prove her accusations against the plaintiff and declares that she has nothing to say against the plaintiff, condemns the defendant for her abuse to pay a fine of six guilders for the benefit of the poor and the costs of the trial, forbidding her to utter such slander again, on pain of greater fine.

The honorable magistrates, plaintiffs, against2d default. Volckien van Hoesem, defendant.

Carsten Claesen, plaintiff, against2d default. Willem Brouwer, defendant.

Willem Boudt, plaintiff, against2d default. Evert Nolden, defendant.

Grietien Michielsen, plaintiff, against Claes van den Bergh, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of ƒ [ ].The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court orders the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded in cash.

Lowies Coobesen, court messenger, plaintiff, against Wijnandt Gerritsen, defendant.

The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of ƒ42, on account of expenses incurred in the suit between the defendant and the widow of the deceased Abraham Vosburgen.The honorable court, having examined the plaintiff’s account and finding the same correct, condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of ƒ42 demanded within the space of 14 days.

Hendrick de Suyckerbacker, plaintiff, against Claes Beever, defendant.The plaintiff demands delivery of a brew kettle, which he bought of the defendant.The honorable court orders the plaintiff to prove on the next court day that he bought a brew kettle of the defendant.

Lijntie Adamsen,[1] plaintiff, against Engeltie Hendricksen, defendant.The plaintiff says and complains that the defendant beat her and called her a whore, producing an affidavit to that effect.The defendant denies it and says that she has nothing to say against the plaintiff that is inconsistent with honor and virtue.The honorable court, having heard the parties and seeing that the defendant cannot prove the plaintiff to be such, and that she denies having said it and that she knows nothing of the plaintiff but what is all honor and virtue, condemns the defendant for her abusive language to pay a fine of two Flemish pounds and the costs of the suit, forbidding her to use such language again.

Anderies Herpertsen, plaintiff, against Jochem Kittelheym, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant two beavers, which he attached in the hands of Jan Mangelsen.The defendant admits the debt.The honorable court gives judgment against the defendant according to his confession and orders the plaintiff to collect the beavers from Jan Mangelsen.

Jochem Kittelheym, plaintiff, againstDefault. Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.

Rijck Claesen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Jochem Wessels, defendant.

Teunes Spitsbergen, plaintiff, against Rutger Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of thirty-[ ] beavers and the interest thereof for the period of five years.The defendant admits that he owes twenty-seven beavers. As to the interest, he says that this was not stipulated.The honorable court orders the parties to exhibit their specified accounts on the next court day to arrive at a settlement.

Ordinary Session Held in Fort OrangeDecember 28, 1660


La MontagneAnderies Herpert[ sen ] Jan VerbeeckSander Leend[ ersen ] Frans Barentsen PastoorEvert Jansen Wendel

Carsten Claesen, plaintiff, against Willem Brouwer, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of thirteen guilders, ten stivers in sewant.The defendant, failing to appear for the third time, is by the honorable court declared in default and by virtue thereof condemned to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded in cash.

Baltus Jacobsen, plaintiff, against Pieter Riverdinck, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant an account and final settlement of their partnership as regards merchandising.The defendant presents an account.The honorable court refers the parties to referees to be chosen by them respectively.

Lowies Coobesen, plaintiff, against Baltus Jacobsen, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of ƒ22:2 for salary according to his account.The honorable court, having examined the account of the plaintiff, being court messenger, and finding the same to be honest and correct, condemn the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded in cash.

Lowies Coobesen, court messenger, plaintiff, against Lambert van Neck, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of seven guilders, twelve stivers for salary earned.The honorable court, having examined the plaintiff’s account, order the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum demanded in cash.

The honorable magistrates, plaintiffs, against2d default. Volckien van Hoesems, defendant.

Theunes Spitsbergen, plaintiff, againstDefault. Rutger Jacobsen, defendant.

Rijck Claesen, plaintiff, against2d default. Jochem Wessels, defendant.

Pieter Adriaensen, plaintiff, against Gregorius Bisschop, defendant.The plaintiff demands of the defendant payment of fifty-one [ guilders ], arising from tavern debts.The defendant maintains that he owes but thirty-one [ guilders ].The honorable court condemns the defendant to pay the plaintiff ƒ25 according to the ordinance and orders that upon his giving security he may remove his tobacco, which the plaintiff had caused to be attached.Frans Baerentsen becomes surety for the payment of ƒ25.

Translation Superscripts
[1]: This is possibly Lijntie Martens the second wife of Adam Roelantsen, schoolmaster.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Gehring, C., trans./ed., New Netherland Documents Series: Vol. 16, part 2, Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press: 1990).

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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