Holding Institution New York State Library, Manuscripts and Special Collections Document ID NYSL_sc7079-b08-f43_p7_ncn Description [fragment] Document Type Fragment Document Type Unlinked fragment Translation Translation Source New York State Library. Van Rensselaer Manor Papers. Correspondence of Jeremias van Rensselaer. Letters to Jeremias van Rensselaer SC7079 Box b08, Folder f43.Rights Courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections.This record is not part of the New York State Archives' collection and is presented on our project partner's behalf for educational use only. Please contact the home repository for information on copyright and reproductions. Document Location Document Finding Aid or Collection NYSL - Van Rensselaer (Rensselaerwyck) Manor Papers (Series SC7079) Box b08 Volume f43 Item p7 Link https://digitalcollections.archives.nysed.gov/index.php/Detail/objects/18804