- Conditions as Created by their Lords Burgomasters of Amsterdam.
Other Title
- Conditien die door de heeren burgemeesteren der Stadt Amsterdam
- This pamphlet, published in Amsterdam in 1656, contains information about the patroonships offered by the West India Company to settlers in the Dutch colony of New Netherland, and in particular about the policies of the city of Amsterdam toward overseas colonization under the terms of the agreement between the city and the West India Company. Intended to help populate the colony, the patroonships were large grants of land made to Dutch investors who agreed to establish a colony of "fifty souls, upwards of fifteen years old." The pamphlet was, in the form of an appendix, a part of the book by Adriaen van der Donck, Beschryvinge Van Nieuw-Nederlant (Description of New Netherland), published in 1655, but was produced by a different printer.
Created / Published
- Madrid, Spain : Jan Banning, 1656.
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