Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 9 - 16 January 1642

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Court proceedings. Philip Gerritsen vs. Teunis Cray and Gurken Hessels, on a contract for delivery of firewood; judgment for plaintiff. Jochim Kierstede vs. Peter Pia, slander; defendant declares in court that he has nothing to say of plaintiff but what is honorable and good; defendant ordered to pay costs. Hans Rodewick vs. Andries, the boatswain, for a canoe defendant set adrift; case postponed. Dirck Corsen (Stam) vs. Andries Hudde; plaintiff demands that as defendant has not proved his case, that he be permitted to leave for Virginia; request granted if defendant do not comply with the order of court of 2d inst. [1642];Fiscal vs. Jan Tomassen and Philip Geraerdy, for selling beer at a higher rate than is fixed by the ordinance; parties ordered to arrange the matter among themselves; Gerrit Jansen vs. the fiscal; plaintiff demands that defendant prove his accusation; defendant proves that plaintiff has been called a timber thief; defendant declares in court, upon oath, that he is innocent; judgment for plaintiff. Fiscal vs. Gerrit Gerritsen and Dirck Hollegersen, for stealing rope; Holgersen declares on oath that he bought the rope of Gerritsen in good faith; ordered, that Gerritsen and the other sailor of the yacht Reael appear next court day, in order to determine by lot which of them shall be punished, or meanwhile to satisfy the fiscal. [1642]

Document Date
1642-01-09 to 1642-01-16
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On the 9th of January anno 1642

Cornelio vander Hoykens, plaintiff, vs. Gerrit Gerritsen and Dirck Holgersz, defendants. Case put over in order to have the depositions sworn to.

Philip Gerritsen, plaintiff, vs. Tonis Cray and Gerreken Hessels, defendants. Plaintiff demands that the defendants fulfil the contract made with them for the delivery of fire wood. Defendants acknowledge the justice of the claim and are therefore condemned to fulfil the contract or in default thereof the plaintiff shall be at liberty to purchase wood at their expense.

Jochim Kirsteede, plaintiff, vs. Pieter Pia, defendant, for slander. Plaintiff demands proof of the slander or reparation. Defendant declares in court that he has nothing to say about the plaintiff but what is to his honor and credit. Defendant is condemned to pay the costs of the trial.

Hans Rodewick, plaintiff, vs. Andries, the chief boatswain, defendant. The plaintiff demands the return of a certain canoe which the defendant is alleged to have detached and to have set adrift. Case adjourned until the owner of the canoe shall have arrived here.

Cornelis Willemsz, plaintiff, vs. Maryn Adriaensz, defendant. First default.

Dirck Corsen, plaintiff, vs. Andries Hudden, defendant. First default. The plaintiff demands and requests that the defendant prove what he promised on the 2d of January to prove within 24 hours, to wit, that his claim was just; the more so as the plaintiff intends and expects to leave for Virginia and should not like to suffer loss in this matter through delays and postponements on the part of the defendant who even this day has caused default to be taken against him, thus seeking excuses. The plaintiff also requests that as the defendant has produced no proof according to his promise, that he be permitted to proceed on his intended boyage at the first opportunity without molestation. The request of Dirck Corsz being taken into consideration, the said Dirck Corsen is granted permission to depart at the first opportunity if Andries Hudden does not proceed with his case.

On the 16th of January 1641

Cornelio vander Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Jan Tomasz and Philip Geraerdy, defendants, for having contrary to the ordinance sold beer 2 stivers higher per gallon than is required. Parties ordered to agree with each other.

Gerrit Jansen, plaintiff, vs. Cornelio van[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, defendant. Plaintiff demands proof of the charges ex-officio brought against him by the defendant. Defendant proves by two witnesses that Donminge called the plaintiff a wood thief. Plaintiff has sworn before the honorable director and council of New Netherland that he is not guilty of the theft of the wood. The fiscal's demand is therefore denied and the plaintiff acquitted. What was done by the fiscal was done ex-officio.

Cornelio ven[ der ] Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Gerrit Gerritsen and Dirck Hollegersz defendants. Dirck Volkersz declares under oath in court that he bought rope from Gerrit in good faith and did not know but that it was his own. Gerrit and other sailors on the yacht Real are ordered to appear next Thursday to draw lots as to who of them shall be punished or meanwhile to satisfy the fiscal.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 112-113.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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Locations (Unlinked)
Ship Mentioned (Unlinked)
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Philip Gerritsen
Teunis Cray
Gurken Hessels
Jochim Kierstede
Peter Pia
Hans Rodewick
Andries, the boatswain
Dirck Corsen (Stam)
Andries Hudde
Jan Tomassen
Philip Geraerdy
Gerrit Jansen
Gerrit Gerritsen
Dirck Hollegersen
A1809 Additional Party
Document Location