[ ] the honorable lord [ ] [ ] done at the session [ ]
1. The farming of the excise [ ] duties on [ ], peltries, and the consumption [ ] and beers that are exported to the south, north or elsewhere. Also, whether it would not be possible [ ] of the duffels.
2. To bring order to the [ conventicles ].
On the 2d point an ordinance was drafted and published on this date.[1]
3. To draft an ordinance against the slaughtering of hogs and other livestock without the permission and previous knowledge of the magistrates of those places where it pertains, and whether something might not be found on it.
On the 3d point an ordinance was drafted and published on this date.[2]
4. The farming of the weigh house.
5. Whether it was not necessary to forbid by ordinance the separate residences in the countryside, and in what form.
On the 5th point an ordinance was drafted and published on this date.[3]
6. Whether it is not advisable and necessary to command by ordinance that no more than 3 or 4 unarmed Indians shall be allowed to come to any farm or plantation at once, and that no one shall be allowed to spend the night, and that no one, either directly or indirectly, shall be allowed to trade and goods with the same, except at certain specified places.
The 6th point is necessary, however we advise delay of it for now.
7. Whether it would not be advisable that no guns should be either directly or indirectly repaired or fixed in the countryside nor within this city, unless upon first showing a note of consent, upon which it is stated the name of for whom [ intended ].
8. Whether it would not be advisable that every month a general muster be called in each village or settlement in order to be informed of the persons capable of bearing arms; how many are armed, and to make note of it, in order to prevent sale of the weapons.
On the 8th point it was resolved to direct the magistrates of each village to make inquiries in private concerning what arms the inhabitants in their jurisdiction had and to report it to the high council.
9. Whether it is not possible to bring order to the payment of sewant. Done at the session at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, ady ut supra.
Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 6.