On the 23d of January 1642
Gregoris Pietersz, plaintiff, vs. Tomas Coninck, defendant. Plaintiff demands payment for an elk skin which cost him 8 gl. Defendant answers that he warned the plaintiff that the breeches were made out of the elk skin. He is ordered to prove the same.
Hans Steen, plaintiff, vs. Hans Schipper, defendant, for slander. Case is referred to the ensign and the sergeant to dispose thereof and to cause satisfaction to be given to the offended party as they shall see fit.
Cornelis Willemsz, plaintiff, vs. Maryn Adriaensz, Second default.
Hendrick Jansen, plaintiff, vs. Jeuriaen Hendricksz, defendant. First default.
Sybolt Classen, plaintiff, vs. Jeuriaen Hendricksz, [ defendant ]. First default.
The 30th of January
Cornelio vander Hoykens, fiscal, plaintiff, vs. Abraham Planck, defendant. Deponents have confirmed their depositions by oath, whereupon it is resolved properly to examine the same.
Cornelis Willemsz, plaintiff, vs. Maryn Adriaensz. Third default.
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