Document: Sentence of Herman Smeeman for being the ringleader in plucking the goose

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Sentence. Herman Smeeman, ring leader of the above party; fined.

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Harmen Smeeman, inhabitant of Manhattan Island, interrogated in session by the director-general and high council, was asked why he rode and pulled the goose against the express prohibition of the honorable director-general and council, being the first one to ride, and also allowed the drinking at his house; in addition, when served a summons by the messenger, he expressed an unwillingness to appear, saying if the fiscal had anything to say to him he should summon him before the mayors and schepens. Also, when he, Smeeman, came into the fort on the above date with the rest of the goose pullers, he instigated and incited some of his companions to such an extent that they dared to show their opposition to the General and magistrates with a display of threatening fists. Therefore, the honorable general and high council condemn the aforesaid Smeeman, as they hereby do, to pay a fine of 25 Carolus guilders and 20 stivers. Thus done at the session of the honorable lord general and high council held in New Amsterdam the 25th of February 1654; was signed: P. Stuyvesant, Nicasius de Sille, C. van Werckhoven, La Montangne and Cor: van Thienhooven.

Rights: This translation is provided for education and research purposes, courtesy of the  New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections, Mutual Cultural Heritage Project. Rights may be reserved. Responsibility for securing permissions to distribute, publish, reproduce or other use rest with the user. For additional information see our Copyright and Use Statement Source: New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809. Volume 5.


From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 4, Council Minutes, 1638-1649 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

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Herman Smeeman
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