[several lines lost] mandt [ ] good right [ ] the Spaniards against the [ ] selves, reasonable of them and their [ ] have and so far [ ] [i]
First, a ketch with the loaded goods [ ] Govert Loockermans cum socijs, taken by those of St. Jago de Cuba in the year 1652 according to the documents left with aforesaid Loockermans.
Second, the yacht t’Haentje, belonging to the Chartered West India Company, chamber Amsterdam, sent from here to Curaçao in the year 1654 under our commission, taken by the Spaniards from Espagnola on its return voyage, and brought in at St. Domingo, confiscated there, certainly kept with our letters of advice.[ii]
Third, the sloop of the island of Curaçao, which in the year 1651 was confiscated by the Spaniards of/from Core,[iii] together with the aforesaid island’s cornet,[iv] who, contrary to the peace agreement, was kept prisoner at Curacos[v] and elsewhere for more than a year and half in great misery and poverty.
Fourth, reparation for the robbing and insults done by the Spaniards to our nation, which was driven out of Brazil, at Jamænico and St. Jago de Cuba; the details can be examined with dominee Polhemius, minister on Long Island.
Whereas the petitioner, Jan Gallardo, continually pesters and nearly exhausts the director general and councilors with his repeated requests for his papers and permission to depart, the director general and councilors say to the first, that upon his return, as soon as he had handed over his papers at the meeting, he was informed that the exhibited documents were copies with the same contents as those that he previously exhibited and showed to the director general and councilors, and upon which was then forcefully replied and answered in writing; that therefore the papers, brought along last [several lines lost] [ ] ignore [ ] manner that the petitioner [ ] which documents he [ ]
[ Upon his repeated ] request for support and his departure, the director general and councilors answer that he was never hindered, nor will he be hindered by their order or charge to depart with whichever ship he deems good. Thus done at the meeting of the director general and councilors held in Fort Amsterdam in N: Netherland the 26th of March 1658.
[several lines lost] Tonneman [ ]
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