The honorable director general and council of New Netherland having seen the reasonable petition of the curators appointed over the estate of Seger Tonisen, deceased, for power to collect all debts due to, and pay all demands against said estate here in this country, said director general and council have, therefore, considered it highly necessary for the benefit of the creditors and co-administrators of said estate, that as enough time has now elapsed, those who are indebted to said estate shall pay up within six months in order that this being done the curators may also satisfy and pay the creditors, on pain, if they fall to do so, that the curators shall have power to levy execution against them without being obliged to enter any further proceedings on that account. Furthermore, if any one in this country is indebted to said estate, or has any claim against it, he must advise the curators thereof within the time aforesaid in order to prove his claim before the commissaries;
In default whereof, those who appear afterward to present any claim shall be barred from their right and action. This 30th of March anno 1648.
Whereas the honorable director general is informed that one Josep Brusto, merchant, residing at New Haven, within the limits of New Netherland, has arrived here this day with his bark from Virginia and that he has certain letters and goods in his vessel, which goods are said to be consigned to Willem Westerhuysen, now residing at New Haven aforesaid, on which goods apparently no duty has been paid, and whereas said Westerhuysen heretofore attempted to defraud the honorable Company of their duty with his ship Beninjo, therefore, it is unanimously resolved and concluded in council that the fiscal shall demand of Brusto the letters belonging to Westerhuysen; that the same shall be opened and read by the secretary in the secretary's office, and that he shall reseal them with wax without a signet as they were received and hand them again to Brusto if they contain nothing prejudicial or disadvantageous to the honorable Company. This 3°th of March anno 1648, in New Amsterdam.
The honorable director general and council of New Netherland have ratified and approved what has been ordered and done by the appointed commissaries by order and command of the honorable general and council in laying out and surveying the lands and boundary line between Mr. van Twiller, Mr. [ Dincklage ? ], Cosyn Gerritsz and the path to the shore, so that everyone shall hereafter have to be satisfied and keep the peace. This 30th of March anno 1648, in New Amsterdam.
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